

upcoming live classes

Live cohorts are offered every 12 weeks (these meet in-person or online). Distance classes have ongoing enrollments and start times.

Spring 2025

Life of Moses
Pastor David Sell (Online)
Christian Ministry

Dr. Wayne Mancari (San Jose)
Worship & Prayer
Candice Reardon (Sunnyvale)
Greg Holsclaw


Dr. Tracy Holsclaw (Online, Campbell)

Freedom Ministry*
Dr. Dan Griffiths (Online, Campbell)

Summer 2025

Evangelism Ministry*

TBD (Online, Campbell)

Systematic Theology*

TBD (Online)

*Offered at Graduate and Undergraduate levels

Distance Course Enrollment is ongoing. See the Distance Learning page for more info.

Returning College Students


New AA or BA Undergraduate

New Masters Graduate

SPRING 2025 Courses

Starting April 8th, 2025

Life of Moses
(OT 302)

Pastor David Sell
Wednesday, 7–9pm PST

David Sell lectures on the Life of Moses. This course will concentrate upon Moses the man, the servant whom God used to lead Israel out of Egypt and bring into the Promised Land through a 40 year journey in the wilderness. Most of the Book of Exodus will be covered, including segments from Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy that focus upon the life of Moses and God’s dealings with Israel. We will concentrate upon understanding how Moses, through God’s help, overcame the struggles, temptations, and adversities associated with leadership. We discover Moses the man, who carried the heavy burden of Israel upon his shoulders.

College Student Enrollment  ——  Personal Audit Enrollment

Spirit of God
(TH 312 & BT 502A)

Dr. Dan Griffiths
Tuesdays, 7–8pm PST
IN PERSON (Campbell) or ONLINE

Dr. Dan Griffiths and Dr. Tracy Holsclaw lecture this class. The uniqueness of the person of the Holy Spirit is often misunderstood or simply ignored. His character, deity, and commission will receive our utmost attention in this class on pneumatology. His 25 titles illustrate the diversity of His vast function in our lives. The course also attempts to answer the honest questions people have regarding the baptism and gifts of the Spirit.

College Student Enrollment  ——  Personal Audit Enrollment

Theology & Practice of Ministry
(PM 202)

Dr. Wayne Mancari
Thursdays, 7–9pm PST
IN-PERSON (San Jose)
Cathedral of Faith, SJ

 The purpose of this course is to introduce the theology and practice of Christian ministry. Ministry is not how you “do” something, but rather how the work of God is released. Some of the questions we will answer include: What is the Biblical understanding of ministry? How do I discover my ministry? What is the role of the Holy Spirit in ministry? How do I avoid burnout in ministry? This course will study ministry from the biblical foundations of God’s threefold expectation of all true disciples:
– The Great Commission – LOVE God and Love Others, Mark 12.
– The Great Commandment – GO Make Disciples in All Nations, Matthew 28.
– The Great Collaboration – Minister TOGETHER in Unity, John 17

College Student Enrollment  ——  Personal Audit Enrollment

Freedom Ministry
(PM 303 & PT 501B)

Dr. Dan Griffiths & Pastor Greg Holsclaw
Tuesdays, 8-9pm PST
IN PERSON (Campbell) or ONLINE

Dan Griffith lectures this course. The Christian faith is one of freedom because of what Christ has done at the cross on our behalf. This course will discuss spiritual warfare, overcoming spiritual opposition, and each believer’s authority. The course will cover Christ’s desire for all to be free from oppression, torment, demonization, and to be whole in mind, body, and emotions. This course will also cover modes of freedom and how to minister to those that are gaining new freedom.

College Student Enrollment  ——  Personal Audit Enrollment

Returning College Students


New AA or BA Undergraduate

New Masters Graduate

Distance Courses

Distance Learning versus LIVE Courses
NCBC offers two modes of courses

Distance Learning (Pre-recorded)– These classes never meet in person, and you are not expected to be available at any specific time or day for classroom instruction from your professor. These courses are taught asynchronously with no pre-assigned meeting times and pre-recorded lectures. Students will have access to class materials online using Populi as well as being able to contact their instructor at any point during the course. See all the courses available.
On-site Learning (Live Lectures) – These classes have in-person attendance (or Zoom), but you are expected to be available for instruction synchronously at the times for which the class is scheduled on-site or on Zoom. You will need to participate online using Zoom and Populi for assignments and discussions.

Distance Course Enrollment is ongoing. See the Distance Learning page for more info.

Teaching Lecture Example

distance courses



live/on-site courses

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