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Degrees & programs
The Program Objective is to provide the student with a wide-ranging balance of biblical education drawing from New Testament Studies, Old Testament Studies, Biblical Theology, Practical Ministry, and Hermeneutics. NCBC offers four educational paths: MA, BA, AA degree, certificate, or audit in Biblical Studies.
MA degree: Master’s in Biblical and Practical Theology
The Master of Arts (MA) in Biblical and Practical Theology has a two-fold purpose: (1) to provide a strong grasp of the factual contents of the Bible, interpreted in a sound, scholarly, and spiritual manner and (2) to prepare students for a professional calling in part or full-time ministry. Spirit and Truth: The degree is meant to balance a Spirit and Truth pursuit with the Practical Ministry and Theology combined. The transformational aspect of Biblical Truth will be balanced to not just produce head knowledge but active servants working in power. Proclamation and Demonstration: We hope to equip this generation of servants and leaders in both proclamation and demonstration of the full gospel. The desire is to see each study ministry in the power of the Holy Spirit and articulate both the truth and hunger for more of God.
BA degree: Bachelors of Arts in Biblical Studies
The Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Studies degree is a four-year degree offered to students for the purpose of providing the academic preparation for real-life applications which allow students to think clearly, examine their Christian heritage, write distinctively, form a comprehensive biblical theology and worldview, and to communicate the gospel effectively. Classroom lectures and interaction, study times, and research and writing provide the challenge necessary to expand the students’ biblical theology which results in a profound appreciation for creation, life, and truth. The degree program operates on a quarter system of three twelve-week terms per academic year from September through June. The Bachelor’s Degree qualifies graduates to pursue further theological or ministerial training at an accredited Seminary.
BA+ MA degree: Dual Degree
Accelerate your journey. The Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Studies degree is a four-year degree and the Master of Biblical and Practical Theology is a two-year degree; when offered together they become a 5-year program. The end of the Bachelor’s degree can be completed by taking 30 units of graduate-level courses, which then are applied to the beginning of your Master’s degree. This prepares students for more focused ministry, leadership, and Biblical studies roles. The Dual Degree program is where Sr. Level (or fourth-year) students can dual enroll in the BA and MA programs concurrently. For many college seniors or transfer students (with 135 units), instead of needing 15 classes to finish a BA, they can take 21 classes and earn both a BA and an MA.
AA Degree: Associates of Arts in Biblical Studies
The Associate of Arts in Biblical Studies degree is a two-year degree offered to students for the purpose of providing an understanding of the primary doctrines of the Bible, as well as a deep understanding of the life and ministry of Jesus Christ and a selected number of specific books of both the Old and New Testaments. Grow in knowledge and skills for accurate Biblical interpretation and application to life situations. Students will make decisions in doctrine, life, and ministry based on the foundation of the Bible. Exhibit the Christian faith in contemporary culture, having developed a biblical worldview and apologetic for Christian values and conduct.
High School + College: Dual Enrollment
After the Freshman year of high school, those students deemed to be able to benefit from college may dually enroll in high school and college at the same time. They will begin to earn real college credits toward their future educational journey. This program is meant to give younger students a Biblical foundation as they approach college and begin to fulfill some of their GE requirements. NCBC’s classes are a great supplement to the standard high school curriculum with our diversity of course offerings. Enroll as an undergraduate student and start your AA Degree.
Certificate: Biblical Studies
The Certificate/Diploma in Biblical Studies program is for those persons seeking formal recognition of their commitment to systematically study the Bible, yet not pursuing a formal accredited degree. The student is required to complete any 15 of the courses offered by NCBC with full participation in the assignments and exams. The completion of the Certificate/Diploma program leads to participation in the graduation ceremony while being awarded a diploma that reads, “Certificate in Biblical Studies.” The cost for this program is about one-half the tuition price for accredited classes.
Audit for Personal enrichment
The student attends only for their personal enrichment. They are not required to do the coursework or take the final exam. No degree or certificate is earned. You get out of the class as much as you want, without the pressure of grades or tests. (See below for more about auditing). NOTE: All Audit Classes now are administered through the Equipping Center Site.
Standards for Student Achievement
Standards for Student Achievement
1. Obtain an above average understanding of the Old Testament, New Testament, and Basic Theology.
2. Understand the general theme of redemption which weaves through every book of the Bible.
3. Exemplify the Christian lifestyle as described in the New Testament.
4. To be capable to answer God’s call to ministry, whatever that might be.
5. To always be able to give an answer for the “hope that lies within them” stating why they believe in the full inspiration of the Bible.
6. Obtain an above average understanding of the person of Jesus Christ.
learning objectives
For degree-seeking students, there will be evidence in their growth of biblical knowledge as well as their ability to study and search the Scriptures for themselves with a historically correct hermeneutic reflecting the NCBC statement of faith.
Students will evidence spiritual growth in their personal ministry within their home/family situation, as well as their participation in serving their local faith community.
All students will evidence an increased understanding of the person, actions, and manifestations of the Holy Spirit.
All students, will provide evidence of a growth in their biblical knowledge as measured by the NCBC Biblical Assessment Profile at the end of their time of enrollment.
Degreed students will evidence a strong ability to use an array of Bible study resources as made available in the Accordance 11 Essential suite of materials and Galaxie Journal.
The assessment of the outcome of enrollment at NCBC will be done in accord with the Standards and Evaluative Criteria Section 12.2 of NCBC Comprehensive Assessment Plan.
lecture previews
Here are some great lectures from our archives of Biblical Studies classes in-progress. This will give you an idea of what our students experience and the learning that takes place.
Our dedicated professors and lecturers provide hours of lectures for each class. Most classes are accompanied by a detailed course manual with all of the notes from the lectures. This allows students to better focus on the material without needing to take notes. It also has the benefit of having the Scripture available as the lesson is being taught.
Enrolled students
ncbc information center
What are course assignments like?
Benefits of course notes
Is there a final exam?