
Undergraduate Listing

Biblical Studies

• Hermeneutics 1
• Old Testament Survey
• New Testament Survey
• Biblical Studies Thesis 1
• Biblical Studies Thesis 2
• Biblical Journey in Israel

• Homiletics / Kingdom Communication
• Christian Ministry
• Prophecy, Worship, Prayer
• Spiritual Gifts
• Worship & Prayer
• Power Evangelism
• Healing Ministry
• Freedom Ministry
• Prophetic Ministry
• Worship Ministry
• Foundations of Leadership
• Leadership 2: Ministry Catalyst
• Introduction to the Supernatural
• Kingdom Discipleship
• Spiritual Disciplines
• Foundations of Leadership
• Ministry Internship or Trip
• Experience in Christian Education
• Experience in Youth Ministry
• Experience in Adult Ministry
• Experience in Church Administration
• Experience in Branch Pastoring

• My Identity in Christ 1
• Our Spiritual Inheritance
• Christian Worldview
• Discipleship
• Intro to the Supernatural
• The Christian’s Mental Health 1
• The Christian’s Mental Health 2
• The Christian’s Mental Health 3
• Spiritual Formation
• Theology & Practice of Prayer
• Spiritual Disciplines
• The Christian Family
• Women in Ministry
• Racial Reconciliation & the Gospel

• Apologetics
Systematic Theology 1
• Biblical Theology 1
• Revival History
• The Kingdom of God
• Understanding End Times
• Spirit of Man
• Spirt of God
• Satanic Spirit

• Life of Christ 1
• Life of Christ 2
• Life of Paul
• Acts
• Romans
• Corinthians
• Prison Epistles (Eph, Phil, Col, Philem)
• More Pauline Epistles (Gal, Thess)
• Pastoral Epistles (Timothy, Titus)
• Hebrews
• General Epistles (James, Peter, John, Jude)
• Revelation

• Genesis
• Life of Moses
• Joshua, Judges, Ruth
• Life of David
• Kings of Israel
• Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther
• Job & Ecclesiastes
• Psalms
• Proverbs
• Human Sexuality
• Major & Minor Prophets
• Daniel

course descriptions

Biblical Studies

BIB 201 / Hermeneutics 1
Hermeneutics is the science and artform of how to properly interpret the Bible. Universally accepted laws of interpreting Scripture are explained in detail. Such laws include: the law of context, the law of first mention, the cultural factor, the historical factor, the language gap, just to name a few. Once we understand the rules that govern how to interpret the Scripture, we increase the chances of interpreting any given scripture correctly. (Similar to BT506A).

  • Available in Distance Learning format 
  • Fulfills GE: AREA A 

BIB 301/ Old Testament Survey

This course provides the student with a necessary basic overview of the Old Testament and its themes from Genesis through the era of the kings of Israel. In addition to the spiritual perspective, the student also gains a working knowledge of the history and culture of that period. The Old testament is a literary treasure filled with ancient poetry, epic miracles, wars, prophecy, tragedy, betrayal, exile, surprises, and triumph. It’s the true story of a God who persists in faithfulness toward his people who struggle to be faithful. Through this course, students can expect to gain some powerful tools to become better readers and interpreters of the Old Testament.

  • Available in Distance Learning format 
  • Fulfills GE: AREA A

BIB 302/ New Testament Survey 

Each book of the New Testament makes its own unique contribution to the overall construction of the New Testament. In addition to the information regarding authorship, dates, and concurrent themes, the students will gain a new appreciation for the overall unity of the New Testament.

  • Available in Distance Learning format
  • Fulfills GE: AREA A

BIB 401/Biblical Studies Thesis 1

Under the supervision of a thesis advisor, and according to a set schedule, the student will do extensive research including twenty-five or more footnotes on a subject of personal interest. This will culminate in a project between 50 – 60 pages. (Similar to BT508A).

  • Available in Distance Learning format

BIB 402/Biblical Studies Thesis 2

Under the supervision of a thesis advisor, and according to a set schedule, the student will do extensive research including fifty or more footnotes on a subject of personal interest. This will culminate in an additional 50 – 60 pages.

  • Available in Distance Learning format

BIB 403/Biblical Journey in Israel

Biblical Journeys: Israel & Jordan This program is an intensive trip to Israel for one to two weeks. It is an academic experience integrated with field studies that introduces students to the geographical, historical, cultural, and theological contexts of the land of the Bible from the Late Bronze Age through the Roman Period. Regional studies in Israel and Jordan include overnight travel, on-site lectures, and an understanding of the geo-historical context of the land to biblical studies and one’s faith journey. Students will take notes and write a report (There is an extra cost with this course for the trip to Israel). Graduate students, please sign up for this course as BT 508A.

  • Fulfills GE: AREA A

Christian Lifestyles

CL 201/ PSY 201 My Identity in Christ 1

This present world has become renown for what is been called “identity theft,” not only in the natural, but also in the spiritual. The reason why so many Christians suffer from a poor self-image is because they don’t know who they actually are in Christ. When our eyes open to what God’s word clearly says, we begin to see ourselves healthy, loved, and fully capable to take on life’s many challenges. Some of the subjects we’ll explore include what it means to be “more than a conqueror,” “accepted in the beloved,” “a new creation in Christ,” “able to do all things,” “fearfully and wonderfully made.”

  • Available in Distance Learning format
  • Fulfills GE: AREA B

CL 202/ Our Spiritual Inheritance

This course is all about laying hold of our personal inheritance in Christ. Subjects include physical healing, power to overcome our carnal nature, provisions of wisdom and sustenance, and the salvation and welfare of our loved ones. Jesus sent Paul to “open our eyes that we might receive forgiveness of sin and our inheritance.” Too many Christians have been unable to believe for God’s best because they do not understand the promises of God.

  • Available in Distance Learning format 
  • Fulfills GE: AREA A

CL203/ Christian Worldview

A worldview acts like glasses through which one views the world. This course explores the big questions that make up a worldview, questions like “Why do we exist?” and “What is my purpose?” Students examine how Christians answer these questions and work on exploring their own worldviews, as well as learning how worldview influences one’s perceptions, decision making, and everyday life.

  • Fulfills GE: AREA A

CL 204/ Kingdom Discipleship

The last words of Jesus before ascending to heaven were that we are “to make disciples of all nations” (Mt. 28:19-20). Jesus called us to become actual disciples, rather than simply believers. A disciple is one who strives to imitate Christ in thought, purpose, word, and deed. Throughout this course we will look at the basics of discipleship. The ultimate goal is to eventually become a “disciple maker”!

  • Available in Distance Learning format 
  • Fulfills GE: AREA A

CL 209/ Intro to the Supernatural 

David Sell and several amazing guest speakers lecture on the supernatural. Many believe the move of God is in the realm of the miraculous—physical healings, prophetic ministry, and signs and wonders. Together we search the Scriptures to see how God’s word instructs us to move into the realm of the supernatural. Most of us are not yet experienced in this realm but eager to learn; this course presents an introduction to adjusting our minds to become candidates to participate in the move of God.

  • Available in Distance Learning format 
  • Fulfills GE: AREA A

CL 301/ PSY301 Christian Mental Health 1

The Christian’s Mental Health is a three-part series aimed toward helping Christians learn how to change their thoughts in order to achieve good mental health. The first class addresses the typical thought patterns that lead to anger, fear, insecurity, discouragement, guilt, shyness, or when we desire something unwholesome. The goal of this course is to help us recognize unhealthy thought patterns so we can then replace them with biblical thought patterns.

  • Available in Distance Learning format
  • Fulfills GE: AREA B

CL 302/PSY 302 Christian Mental Health 2

This course is devoted to the development of self-confidence from a proper biblical perspective. When we stand fully confident in our position in Christ, the obstacles of life lose their towering effect. Some of the topics include: “Faith vs. Presumption,” “Deadening the Roots of Self-doubt,” “Setting and Accomplishing Realistic Goals,” “Overcoming the Fear of Failure,” and“ Enlarging the Borders of our Life.”

  • Available in Distance Learning format
  • Fulfills GE: AREA B

CL 303/ PSY 303 Christian Mental Health 3

Learning to give and accept love represents an ultimate human challenge, while yielding the highest rewards. Jesus said that the entire law can be fulfilled by following two commandments: “love God and love your neighbor as yourself.” The third section of this series on the Christian’s mental health is entitled, “Wholeness through Love.” As we renew our love relationship with God and others, we can expect a new dimension of spiritual, emotional, and even physical health.

  • Available in Distance Learning format
  •  Fulfills GE: AREA B

CL 304 /TH 304 Spiritual Formation 

This course will include a study of spiritual disciplines and practices starting with the Early Church Fathers. The purpose of “spiritual disciplines” is the total transformation of the follower of Jesus, growing toward living life the way God intended. The Father’s love is one of the most foundational aspects of the Christian understanding to build a solid spiritual identity. This course will cover the Father’s love, the Son’s sacrifice, and the work of the Holy Spirit in the life of the believer. The basic foundational teachings of impartation, baptisms, and living the Spirit-filled life will be covered. A strong emphasis will be on the new identity and victorious life. (Use to be Spiritual Disciplines, similar to BT501A).

  • Available in Distance Learning format
  •  Fulfills GE: AREA A

CL 305/Theology & Practice of Prayer

The purpose of this course is to provide an introduction to the theology and practice of prayer. This course will introduce the vital contribution of prayer in developing the whole person mentally, physically, and spiritually and help students in their understanding and practice of prayer. This will happen through the exploration of the experience of prayer in both the Old and New Testaments, as well as the history of the Church, with special emphasis on the prayer life of Jesus and the early church. It will also examine the place of prayer in both the life of the individual and the church community. The course is designed to impact the personal prayer life of the students. Expect a miracle!

  • Available in Distance Learning format
  •  Fulfills GE: AREA A

CL 306/Spiritual Disciplines

The purpose of Spiritual Disciplines is the total transformation of the follower of Jesus, growing toward living life the way that God intended. Christian maturity is greater fruitfulness and usefulness becoming conformed to the image of Christ. Through the teaching and practical application of this course you develop life-giving habits that will help you produce in the fruit of the Spirit.

  •  Available in Distance Learning format 
  • Fulfills GE: AREA A

CL 310/PSY 310 The Christian Family 

This class abounds with helpful biblical insights as to how to raise a godly Christian family. We will address subjects such as raising preschoolers, elementary-age children, and, of course, teenagers. Emphasis will also be placed upon the dynamics of dealing with in-laws, divorce and remarriage, blended families, the unexpected family crisis, and, finally, the “empty nest.” The main thrust of the course, however, will be all about how to make Jesus Christ the Lord of “your” family.

  • Available in Distance Learning format
  •  Fulfills GE: AREA B

CL 312/ PSY 312 Women in Ministry

This study includes a Biblical perspective of women’s role throughout history, in the church, and in active ministry. Men and women are called to understand, raise up, and empower the callings of the women around them. This course is designed to remove the glass ceiling and release women into the fullness of their calling.

  •  Fulfills GE: AREA B

CL 313/ PSY 313 Racial Reconciliation & the Gospel 

This course aims to provide a healthy, biblical, and safe avenue for open and honest discussions about theology and practice of racial-ethnic conciliation. God’s vision is to engage the culture and change the world with the transforming Gospel of Jesus Christ. We will lay foundations for mutual understanding and building community in contexts of diversity. We will study factors and patterns of racism, racialization, and ethnocentrism in society and in the Church. Students will develop creative solutions on the basis of God’s story in Christ.

  •  Fulfills GE: AREA B

New Testament Studies

NT 201/Life of Christ 1

A verse-by-verse approach to the four Gospels provides a unique glimpse into the ministry and nature of Christ. The student will become familiar with historical customs of the day, prophetic fulfillments, and spiritual applications. The subject material covers the first half of Jesus’ 3 1/2 year ministry. The first course will address the life of Jesus through his Galilean ministry. The second half of the course covers the life of Christ from the later Judean ministry through His Ascension.

  • Available in Distance Learning format
  • Fulfills GE: AREA A

NT 202/Life of Christ 2

This second half of the course covers the life of Christ from the later Judean ministry through His Ascension. The course will provide a detailed study of the latter part of the life of Christ through the reading of the second half of the four Gospels. The student will gain a basic knowledge of the major events in Jesus’ earthly ministry. Special emphasis is given to the final days leading up to and including the crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension.

  • Available in Distance Learning format
  • Fulfills GE: AREA A

    NT 203/Life of Paul

    “The Life of Paul,” will provide the student a background and overview of Paul the Apostle’s life and theology. The objective is to present the student with a better understanding of the Pauline corpus and the book of Acts. As students and teachers of the Word, it is imperative to have a rich understanding of New Testament Theology as seen through the pen of this great Apostle, and his dear friend, Luke.

    • Available in Distance Learning format
    • Fulfills GE: AREA A

    NT 305/Acts

    The Book of Acts shouts the excitement of an early Church alive with the mission to evangelize the world. The student relives the drama of apostolic leadership in the heat of the revival, persecution, and converting the multitudes. Practical keys to church growth are also analyzed throughout the course.

    • Available in Distance Learning format
    • Fulfills GE: AREA A

    NT 306/Romans

    One cannot fully appreciate his or her salvation through Christ without understanding the Book of Romans. The course attempts to explain subjects such as justification, adoption, predestination, grace, and faith. The study also includes insights into God’s plan for Israel, the seven motivational gifts of ministry, and the circumstances surrounding the church at Rome.

    • Available in Distance Learning format
    • Fulfills GE: AREA A

      NT 307/ Corinthians

      The Books of 1 & 2 Corinthians provide us a window into the practical struggles of a church destined for greatness. Throughout our study, in 1 Corinthians we will focus upon issues such as spirituality vs. carnality, how to handle lawsuits in a Christian context, marriage, divorce, sexuality, the gifts of the Spirit, and the resurrection of Christ. 2 Corinthians is a window into the soul of Paul who deals with being repeatedly and falsely accused by the very church he loves and started. These chapters bring us deep into the hurting heart of our beloved Apostle, while also showing us how to properly handle unfair accusations.

      • Available in Distance Learning format
      • Fulfills GE: AREA A

        NT 308/Prison Epistles
        The letters to the churches of Ephesus, Philippi, and Colossae, otherwise known as the Prison Epistles, contain some of Paul’s deepest revelations. As we go through these key books of the New Testament we discover vital insights into the structure of the church, the mysteries of the kingdom, and the high call of each believer.

        • Available in Distance Learning format
        • Fulfills GE: AREA A

        NT 309/More Pauline Epistles

        The course will study Galatians and 1 & 2 Thessalonians. These are some of Paul’s most notable works from his missionary journeys. The church can receive insight, correction, and encouragement from the ancient words and wisdom contained in these books.

        • Fulfills GE: AREA A

        NT 310/Pastoral Epistles

        The study of 1 & 2 Timothy and Titus have been deemed the Pastoral Epistles of Paul. In these letters we discover Paul’s true heart toward caring for God’s people, and how he poured himself into these two younger men who would carry on after Paul was gone. In the first hour of each session we will explore these epistles verse by verse. The second hour will be devoted to a pertinent topic on the subject of pastoral ministry

        • Available in Distance Learning format
        • Fulfills GE: AREA A

        NT 311/Hebrews

        The study through the Book of Hebrews will attempt to answer the mysterious question as to the book’s authorship. From there the course focuses upon explaining each verse through each chapter, emphasizing the role of the New Testament priesthood, the supremacy and sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ, along with a collection of such themes as “Entering into God’s Rest” and “the Hebrews Hall of Faith.”

        • Available in Distance Learning format
        • Fulfills GE: AREA A

          NT 312/General Epistles

          The General Epistles include the letters referred to as James, 1 & 2 Peter, 1,2,3 John, and Jude. The course will take the student through each of these epistles verse by verse. Emphasis will be given to the primary message of each writer, and how their words merge with the activity of the growing church at this time in history.

          • Available in Distance Learning format
          • Fulfills GE: AREA A

            NT 313/Revelation
            The return of Christ has been called our “blessed hope.” In mysterious detail, the Book of Revelation prepares the way for that final event. As much as possible, the course attempts to clarify those predicted events yet to come. When diverse interpretations occur, the strengths and weaknesses of each major view will be analyzed and evaluated.

            • Available in Distance Learning format
            • Fulfills GE: AREA A

            Old Testament Studies

            OT 301/Genesis

            The Book of Genesis contains the beginning of each of the great themes of the Bible. The very roots of the Christian life emerge through a careful examination of original sin, Abraham’s walk of faith, and the trials of Jacob and Joseph. Genesis also serves as the beginning history book of all mankind, rehearsing the creation, the flood, the dividing of the earth, and the beginning of the Hebrew people.

            • Available in Distance Learning format
            • Fulfills GE: AREA A

            OT 302/The Life of Moses

            This course will concentrate upon Moses the man, the servant whom God used to lead Israel out of Egypt and bring into the Promised Land through a 40 year journey in the wilderness. Most of the Book of Exodus will be covered, including segments from Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy that focus upon the life of Moses and God’s dealings with Israel. We will concentrate upon understanding how Moses, through God’s help, overcame the struggles, temptations, and adversities associated with leadership. We discover Moses the man, who carried the heavy burden of Israel upon his shoulders.

            • Available in Distance Learning format
            • Fulfills GE: AREA A

              OT 304/Joshua, Judges, Ruth

              These three books trace the history of Israel from the entrance into the promised land throughout the period of the Judges. Much like our lives, the book of Joshua is all about “taking ground.” Both the strategies and the pitfalls that brought Israel into its final resting place will be explored extensively. The book of Judges stands as a living parable, filled with amazing insights and parallels into our daily Christian walk. Finally, the book of Ruth gives the background behind how Jesus is our Kinsmen Redeemer.

              • Available in Distance Learning format
              • Fulfills GE: AREA A

              OT 305/Life of David

              The life of David continues to inspire believers in each generation. This study focuses on the Life of David in 1 and 2 Samuel. King David conquered his enemies, lived the ecstasies of God’s presence, and with his charisma won the hearts of Israel. He also faced issues squarely without apology, always accepting the correction of God. The course promises a fresh new look into the life of a man with a heart similar to God’s own heart.

              • Available in Distance Learning format
              • Fulfills GE: AREA A

                OT 306/Kings of Israel

                The Kings of Israel covers the history of Israel in the time of the monarchs filled with color, drama, and adventure unparalleled. The victories gained through righteousness stand against the backdrop of defeats caused by sin. Each individual story offers multiple lessons for victorious Christian living. This course will specifically address 1 Samuel 8 through 2 Kings 25 and 2 Chronicles.

                • Available in Distance Learning format
                • Fulfills GE: AREA A

                OT 307/Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther

                Judah has just returned from 70 years of Babylonian captivity. This exciting study of restoration covers the historical period surrounding Israel after returning from Babylonian captivity. This includes the rebuilding of the temple under Ezra’s leadership and the wall under Nehemiah’s leadership. The book of Esther is the classic drama of how Israel endured an enormous crisis through the grace of God.

                • Fulfills GE: AREA A

                OT 308/Job, Ecclesiastes

                This course concentrates on the study of the Biblical Wisdom Literature books of Job and Ecclesiastes, with particular attention to the theological and ethical issues they raise. The story of Job provides biblical insight into why man encounters suffering. This unusual narrative provides important keys for counseling and illustrates the acceptable attitude while in the midst of hardship. Ecclesiastes explores the timeless vanities of life and concludes with the only answer to man’s search for happiness.

                • Available in Distance Learning format
                • Fulfills GE: AREA A

                OT 309/Psalms

                This course is an in-depth study of representative types of Psalmic materials. Attention is given to questions of historical setting and literary form. We will explore the message of the book of Psalms and why the Psalms are important to the Christian faith. The course will consider how Psalms build our theology through reflection on kingship and the promised Messiah and how it models godly worship through its historical record of Israelite song.

                • Available in Distance Learning format
                • Fulfills GE: AREA A

                OT 310/Proverbs

                The book of Proverbs pierces right to the heart of the issue. Through these 31 chapters we discover God’s practical viewpoint on daily life, including proper planning, lending money, raising children, marriage, the work ethic, and anger management, just to name a few. Having studied this book, answers to life’s challenges will come to the forefront of our minds just when we need them.

                • Available in Distance Learning format
                • Fulfills GE: AREA A

                OT 311/PSY 111 Human Sexuality

                The Song of Solomon serves as a biblical guide to marital intimacy. During this course the student will first come to understand the standard interpretation of this unusual addition to Solomon’s wisdom literature collection. In addition to mere academics of this book, husbands and wives will come to know firsthand how God has fashioned the sexual and emotional relationship that was intended for a husband and wife.

                • Available in Distance Learning format
                • Fulfills GE: AREA B

                OT 312/Major and Minor Prophets

                This fascinating course provides the student with an overview of both the Major and Minor Prophets, all written during the time of the kings of Israel. Each prophetic book is examined as a whole, which includes a biography of the prophet, the major theme of the book, and the time and placement of the book in the overall history of Israel.

                • Available in Distance Learning format
                • Fulfills GE: AREA A

                OT 316/HIS 216 Daniel

                The study of the book of Daniel covers ancient world civilizations prophetically and historically. The book exemplifies a man of integrity who lived under the constant temptation to compromise while living in Babylon. Some of the great tales of the Bible come from this lively book. It has also been called “the apocalypse of the Old Testament.” The study of the “70 Weeks Prophecy” serves as a necessary prerequisite to understanding the final events.

                • Available in Distance Learning format
                • Fulfills GE: AREA A

                Practical Ministry

                PM 201/COMM 201 Homiletics

                Learning the skills of a preacher and how to preach is the focus of this course. Students study different styles and learn the major components of the sermon. Opportunities are given to present a message and later privately review the sermon. This excellent opportunity for learning takes place in a warm, supportive atmosphere.

                • Fulfills GE: AREA D

                PM 202/Christian Ministry

                The purpose of this course is to introduce the theology and practice of Christian ministry. Ministry is not how you “do” something, but rather how the work of God is released. Some of the questions we will answer include: What is the Biblical understanding of ministry? How do I discover my ministry? What is the role of the Holy Spirit in ministry? How do I avoid burnout in ministry? This course will study ministry from the biblical foundations of God’s threefold expectation of all true disciples: (i) love God and love others, (ii) go make disciples in all nations, and (iii) minister together in unity (Jn 17).

                • Available in Distance Learning format
                • Fulfills GE: AREA A

                PM 203/Prophecy, Worship & Prayer

                The course focuses upon how to develop a healthy prayer life, a vibrant heart for worship, and an ear to hear the prophetic word. The course is taught by the Founding President of the College, Pastor Ernest Gentile, who has written three nationally distributed books on these vital subjects.

                • Available in Distance Learning format
                • Fulfills GE: AREA A

                PM 204/ Spiritual Gifts

                This course is the first course in the foundational work of the Holy Spirit in a believer’s life and ongoing partnership through spiritual gifts. A survey of spiritual gifts will be undertaken. The goal is to have students learn about the Biblical foundations for spiritual gifts and grow in their ability to identify when the Holy Spirit is at work through spiritual gifts in themselves and others. (Similar to PT505B).

                • Fulfills GE: AREA A

                PM 205/ Worship God 

                Worship is a central part of the Christian life. Why do we worship? How do we worship? Here we explore the Biblical basis of worship and praise. There is a focus on Davidic worship from the Old Testament temple period and Psalmic worship. The course is meant to be done as a group with a focus on developing healthy worship environments within the Church context. Part of the course will be devoted to prayer as a major component of worship, and interceding for our lives and our churches’ holy, reverent, and joyful worship.

                • Fulfills GE: AREA A

                PM 301/ Power Evangelism

                This course will begin with a study of God’s heart towards the lost, that all might be saved, and Jesus’ payment on the cross that it might be accomplished. There will also be discussions on our part in the commission and our personal testimony. Several weeks will be spent looking at different spheres of influence where evangelism plays an important role in expanding the Kingdom. This course will focus on going out and doing evangelism. (Similar to PT 504B)

                • Fulfills GE: AREA A

                  PM 302/ Healing Ministry

                  This is a doctrinal class on the subject of healing along with its practice. Most healings are unique to the person being healed; students will learn how to wait on God for the precise direction on how to approach their healing. The “Thrill of Victory” and the “Agony of Defeat” in the life of the healing minister will be addressed. Students will give and receive prayer in break-out groups. (Similar to PT 503B)

                  • Fulfills GE: AREA A

                  PM 303/ Freedom Ministry

                  The Christian faith is one of freedom because of what Christ has done at the cross on our behalf. This course will discuss spiritual warfare, overcoming spiritual opposition, and each believer’s authority. The course will cover Christ’s desire for all to be free from oppression, torment, demonization, and to be whole in mind, body, and emotions. This course will also cover modes of freedom and how to minister to those that are gaining new freedom. (Similar to PT 501B).

                  • Fulfills GE: AREA B

                  PM 304/ Prophetic Ministry

                  God has spoken through the ages to people through audible means, vision, dreams, trances, miracles, signs, and small whispers. This course will discuss Biblical examples of how God speaks. The course will then focus on the prophetic ministry, covering the role of the Old Testament prophets, the New Testament prophets, and the prophetic gifting. Time will also be devoted to how to judge or discern the prophetic word. (Similar to PT 502B).

                  • Fulfills GE: AREA D

                  PM 306/ Worship Ministry

                  The course focuses upon how to develop a healthy life and heart of vibrant worship. It is an appeal to return to biblical worship that allows a person’s whole being to express its love and adoration for God and how to lead others in this pursuit.

                  • Fulfills GE: AREA A

                  PM 310/Foundations of Leadership

                  This course focuses on developing the heart of a leader, as well as the skills of leaders. Understanding the love of the Father and His perspective of people is key to this course. Healthy leadership styles like humility,teachability, mutual submission, faith, and giving up control, emotional, intellectual, health, and physical balance will be included. This course explores ministry opportunities in God’s Kingdom while honoring those around them. students will lay a foundation to build their personal leadership capabilities and effectiveness so that they can learn to lead like Jesus. Students examine various leadership and motivation styles. (Similar to PT 507A).

                  • Available in Distance Learning format
                  • Fulfills GE: AREA B

                  PM 401/ Leadership 2: Ministry Catalyst

                  This course starts by having each student look at the process of becoming a leader or minister within the body, the family of God, and Kingdom culture. The course includes a discussion on the work of apostles and apostolic movements in the Kingdom. Each student will look at how they are called and empowered to ministry, and how they can empower others. Students will work on discovering and implementing God’s plan for their lives. (Previously “Charting Your Life Plan” and similar to PT 507B).

                  • Available in Distance Learning format
                  • Fulfills GE: AREA B

                  INTERNSHIP OR EXPERIENCE COURSES (420 series courses)

                  BA students may take up 15 units of experience or internship class. Class may only be taken once; they will not count towards the core course requirements, as they are only electives. An AA student may take up to 6 units; these courses will not count toward their 24 units of Biblical Studies. All of these courses function like a regular class with tuition and units.

                  PM 421/Ministry Internship or Trip

                  This will be an elective with instructor oversight of a ministry internship or mission trip. Students will be expected to write about the topic or experience and how it better prepares them to minister in their sphere. This could be a week-long mission trip (72+ hours) or a conference (72+ hours). The student will provide a written summary of the experience and testimonies. This research should be in one of the ministry fields of healing, prophecy, deliverance, or evangelism. (Similar to PT 508B)

                  PM 422/Experience in Christian Ed

                  The course is a work-study, allowing the student to gain units for their active involvement in the Christian Education Dept. of their local church. The student meets with the Instructor to review requirements which include 72 hours of supervised activity, along with a 1000 word paper.

                  PM 423/Experience in Youth Ministry

                  The course is a work-study, allowing the student to gain units for their active involvement in the Youth Dept. of their local church. The student meets with the Instructor to review requirements which include 72 hours of supervised activity, along with a 1000 word paper.

                  PM 424/Experience in Adult Ministry

                  The course is a work-study, allowing the student to gain units for their active involvement in the Adult Education Dept. of their local church. The student meets with the Instructor to review requirements which include 72 hours of supervised activity, along with a 1000 word paper.

                  PM 425/Experience in Church Admin.

                  The course is a work-study, allowing the student to gain units for their active involvement in the Administration Dept. of their local church. The student meets with the Instructor to review requirements which include 72 hours of supervised activity, along with a 1000 word paper.

                  PM 426/Experience in Church Planting

                  The course is a work-study, allowing the student to gain units for their effort in being part of a church plant experience. The student meets with the Instructor to review requirements which include 72 hours of supervised activity, along with a 1000 word paper.

                  PM 427/Branch Pastoral Experience

                  Students assisting or starting satellite branch churches from the mother church can receive life experience credit. The requirements include writing a 1000 word paper on their experience, while performing at least 72 hours of supervised activity.


                  THEOLOGICAL STUDIES

                  TH 201/ PHIL 101 Apologetics

                  Apologetics addresses critical thinking and reasoning about issues of the Christian faith. “Always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you” (1 Pet 3:15). Questions raised still permeate our culture, and so as 1 Peter implores us, we must answer them intelligently and humbly. So we will engage these questions head-on with the most powerful thinkers of church history: (1) What are the proofs of God’s existence? (2) How was scripture assembled, and what does it mean to be “inspired by God?” and (3) Who is Jesus? The answers to these questions only scratch the surface of the depths of Christian truth that we will explore in this course.

                  • Fulfills GE: AREA D

                  TH202 Christology
                  Christ and His work on the cross are a central theme to the entire Scripture. Atonement, justification, and salvation will be explored in-depth in regard to the Christian life and belief system. The claims of Christ to be the only way and his provision for sinful humanity to enter the Kingdom will be a central theme. The historicity of the Christ account of his death and resurrection will be given a strong apologetic. Salvation by faith and grace in the Pauline writings and the tension with James of a faith that is shown by works will be explored. (Similar to BT 503A).

                  • Available in Distance Learning format
                  • Fulfills GE: AREA A

                  TH 203/Systematic Theology 1

                  The purpose of this class is to better understand the basics of our Christian faith, both for personal development and for engaging others. It is often thought that theology is only for professional theologians; however, every person is a theologian. Everyone has beliefs about God and how we relate to Him, shaping the way we behave in every sphere of life. Systematic Theology will provide an introductory study of the doctrines of God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, man, sin, salvation, and more. Such understanding allows us to live more biblically informed in our contemporary situation. (Similar to BT504A).

                  • Available in Distance Learning format
                  • Fulfills GE: AREA A

                  TH 205/Biblical Theology 1

                  Biblical Theology investigates the major themes and unity of the Bible. We will discover the ongoing flow of the revelatory and redemptive process, structured around God’s major covenants, that reaches its climax in Jesus Christ. We will also learn a gospel-centered and Christocentric understanding of Scripture. The purpose of the course will be to see the consistent flow of God’s revelation from beginning to end of Scriptures. (Similar BT 506B).

                  • Available in Distance Learning format
                  • Fulfills GE: AREA A

                  TH 210/ Revival History

                  This course will cover church history with an emphasis on Holy Spirit revivals. The Kingdom in action through church history and the legacy of the fathers and mothers of the faith will be explored. The discussion will focus on the move of the Spirit and continuing into the present day with a heavy emphasis on the last century. Key locations, events, people, and missions will be discovered. God has been moving in his Church through revivals and we should not miss learning from it. (Similar to BT505A).

                  • Available in Distance Learning format
                  • Fulfills GE: AREA A

                  TH 301/The Kingdom of God

                  The central message of Jesus was indeed the Kingdom of God, and it remains at the heart of what Christians are to live and proclaim today. Being that it is a central theme in the life of Jesus, and also in the whole biblical witness, we must labor to understand its precise definition from a biblical perspective. Unfortunately, this term has been overcome by the popular imagination and extra-biblical connotations. The biblical definition will reveal how the Kingdom relates to the gospel, and the mission of the church.

                  • Fulfills GE: AREA A

                  TH 303/Understanding End Times

                  This study of eschatology familiarizes the student with the various theological positions on end times. The course examines such subjects as the timing of the rapture in respect to the tribulation, Daniel’s 70 Week Prophecy, natural Israel, the church in the last days, events leading up to the Second Coming of Christ, and what happens afterward. Controversies, strengths and weaknesses of viewpoints will be presented from the various theories on each of these subjects.

                  • Available in Distance Learning format
                  • Fulfills GE: AREA A

                  TH 304/Knowing God

                  Who is God? Whole libraries could be filled with books and articles written over the centuries on who God is. Some of these ideas about God have come from human superstition or exhaustive observation by the best scientific minds. Some people believe there is no God and some believe there are many gods. Who is God? What is God like?

                  • Available in Distance Learning format
                  • Fulfills GE: AREA A

                  TH 311/The Spirit of Man

                  The human spirit is the real “you.” The soul and body are only extensions of the human spirit. This course provides vial insights into the differences between the human spirit and the soul, helping to better understand our constant battle with our carnal nature. Emphasis is also placed upon understanding the development of our conscience, the difference between conviction and condemnation, what actually happens at death, and how to distinguish between true and false guilt.

                  • Available in Distance Learning format
                  • Fulfills GE: AREA A

                  TH 312/The Spirit of God 

                  The uniqueness of the person of the Holy Spirit is often misunderstood or simply ignored. His character, deity, and commission will receive our utmost attention in this class on pneumatology. His 25 titles illustrate the diversity of His vast function in our lives. The course also attempts to answer the honest questions people have regarding the baptism and gifts of the Spirit. (Similar to BT 502A)

                  • Available in Distance Learning format
                  • Fulfills GE: AREA A

                  TH 313/The Satanic Spirit

                  When we understand what the Bible teaches about the devil, we realize how much power and authority we actually possess over his kingdom. The course concentrates upon exposing his strategies and distinguishes his efforts from the “works of the flesh.” In addition, the subject of demonology will be addressed. Within that study we will attempt to answer the question, “Can a Christian possess a demon?”

                  • Available in Distance Learning format
                  • Fulfills GE: AREA A

                  REASON TO BELIEVE

                  Creation & the Bible
                  This 8-week online course encourages students to form an integrated interpretation of general and special revelation at it pertains to the doctrine of creation. Theological and scientific questions concerning the age of the earth are also considered. Students are equipped to share this information with their Christian friends and family.

                  • Available through Reasons to Believe
                  • Fulfills GE: AREA C

                  Critical Thinking Skills for the Christian
                  In this intensive 8-week course, Kenneth Samples, RTB’s senior theologian, teaches what it means to love God with all your mind. The ability of Christians to effectively address the many arguments skeptics present is an ongoing challenge. This course deals with the various aspects of deductive, inductive, and abductive reasoning as they are applied to different forms of argumentation. Different ways of testing arguments and truth-claims are evaluated for validity, cogency, and strength. Students will learn to assess how arguments break down, how to recognize and categorize fallacies, and how to recognize when areas of logic are violated.

                  • Available through Reasons to Believe
                  • Fulfills GE: AREA D

                  Creation Vs. Evolution
                  Many Christians wonder how to answer commonly cited evidence for evolution. This 8-week online course helps students learn how to use RTB’s testable creation model approach to challenge the evolutionary paradigm. Students are equipped to share these evidences in their evangelistic efforts with unbelievers.

                  • Available through Reasons to Believe
                  • Fulfills GE: AREA C

                  Astronomy and Design

                  This 5-week online course explores introductory concepts related to the biblical and scientific data about the origin and design of the universe. A practical emphasis will be placed on using insights from astronomy and physics for apologetics and evangelism.

                  • Available through Reasons to Believe
                  • Fulfills GE: AREA C

                  Advanced Seminar on Astronomy and Design
                  This 5-week online course explores advanced topics related to the biblical and scientific data about the design of the universe. A practical emphasis will be placed on using insights from astronomy and physics for apologetics and evangelism.

                  • Available through Reasons to Believe
                  • Fulfills GE: AREA C

                  World Religion and Science
                  This class is taught by theologians and research scholars. The course lays out the foundational beliefs of the world’s major religions and then explores the ways proponents of these religions use modern science to justify their particular worldviews. 

                  • Available through Reasons to Believe
                  • Fulfills GE: AREA C

                  Advanced Seminar on the Origin of Life
                  Did life evolve through natural processes from an ancient primordial soup? What does the evidence actually say? This 15-week graduate seminar taught by Dr. Fuz Rana explores the integration of the biblical account for the origin of life with the latest scientific research. Although many sides of the origin-of-life issue will be studied, the lecturer holds to an old-earth-creation position and does not believe the scientific record supports biological evolution.

                  • Available through Reasons to Believe
                  • Fulfills GE: AREA C

                  Advanced Seminar on Human Origins

                  Did humans evolve from an ancient ape-like ancestor? What does the evidence actually say? This 15-week graduate seminar taught by Dr. Fuz Rana explores the integration of the biblical account of humanity’s origin with the scientific record. The most prominent biblical and scientific models for human origins will be surveyed, including young-earth creationism, old-earth creationism, theistic evolutionism, and secular evolutionism.

                  • Available through Reasons to Believe
                  • Fulfills GE: AREA C

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