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Find out more about our vision and how to partner

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Funding and Empowering another generation of accredited college graduates

Partners vision

encounter, equip, & empower

Our vision at NCBC is for every disciple of Christ to be fully empowered in their gifts and callings as they pursue their nationally accredited college education. Through continued partnering, NCBC can help students to Encounter God’s truth deeply, Equip every disciple to handle correctly God’s word and Empower everyone to fulfill their ministry of our Lord with the power of the Holy Spirit.

Through our nationally accredited programs and our Personal Enrichment Ministry preparation courses, we are helping catalyze revival throughout the Bay Area and beyond!

Or Make a One-Time Donation

giving options

online giving

Give with Debit or Credit card. Our donation portal has industry low fees, enterprise level security and is easy to use. Give with your Credit or Debit card, or securely create electronic bank transfers (lowest fees).

Or Make a One-Time Donation

stocks & crypto

Transfer appreciated stocks. Our brokerage partnership makes donating stocks and securities painless.
Contact us to learn more and get started with your stock gift now.

Real Property

Donate real property. If you want to donate vehicles or real property, NCBC can facilitate your donation. Contact Us to get started.


Check To: Northern California Bible College

Mail to: Northern California Bible College
1799 Winchester Blvd, Campbell, CA 95008

Scholarship fund

Give directly to student scholarships

From missionaries deepening their Biblical foundations to working single mothers and parolees, with your partnership NCBC can continue offering discounted Biblical Studies degrees to those in need. Over 100 students have been blessed by your contributions to the Joanna fund in the last 5 years. Imagine what we can do together for the next 5 years. Please consider how you might empower another generation of students.

Endowment fund

Give for the future

Legacy and lifetime donors, along with smaller generous donations from alumni and other supporters, have helped launch NCBC’s new Endowment Fund. This Endowment offers opportunities and structure to all who wish to provide financial support for NCBC’s mission through wills, estate planning, legacy gifts and regular charitable giving.  Through this endowment fund, NCBC seeks to provide a perpetual source of income to sustain and grow the mission of in perpetuity.

Church & School partners

We love engaging with your churches and schools, please invite us to come speak or have a table on your campus. Ask for our printed material or announcement slides to use at your location. This University only exists because of generous church partners who promote and host Bible classes. 

Thank you partner churches and schools. Many churches are integral in supporting students through their educational journey. The students are equipped and your church benefits. K-12 private and homeschool networks prepare students for class (or help promote dual enrollment for their high schoolers to begin being trained in solid biblical foundations.)

Main Campus

1799 Winchester Blvd
Campbell, CA 95008

This is the main office and campus. It is one mile west of Highway 880/(17) from the Hamilton exit.

Cathedral of Faith

2315 Canoas Garden Ave
San Jose, CA 95125

The classroom is located in Horton Youth Center, Rooms 208 & 209.

Gateway City Church

5883 Eden Park Place
San Jose, CA. 95138

Classes are held in a classroom in the main building.

Partner in Prayer

“I thank God every time i remember you. in all my prayers for all of you, i always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now… all of you share in god’s grace with me.”

Philippians 1:3-7

Become a Prayer partner

Get in Touch. Get involved. Please take a moment and contact us with any questions you have.

Request prayer

Need prayer, message us now. “I need prayer”.

Major initiatives

Add your gift to our Joanna Scholarship Fund!

From missionaries deepening their Biblical foundations to working single mothers and parolees, with your partnership NCBC can continue offering discounted Biblical Studies degrees to those in need.

Over 100 students have been blessed by your contributions to the Joanna fund in the last 5 years. Imagine what we can do together for the next 5 years. Please consider how you might empower another generation of students.

Build a Firm Foundation

Bless the community and the next generation as we create a two-year discipleship intensive and general education program!

Help us build alternatives to Community College meeting general education requirements that affirm Scripture and Christian worldview values. Ideal for students who will later transfer to a 4-year Christian University to earn their degree of choice.

“This Firm Foundations Guided Pathway will fill a gap for Christian students not jumping directly to a 4-year university.”
~ Christian High School Lead Guidance Counselor

Endowment Fund

LEAVE A LEGACY — Create a lasting legacy by contributing to the endowment fund. An endowed gift allows you to extend your values and vision into perpetuity while shaping the college’s future forever.

The Endowment Fund grows through donations and responsible fiscal manage to provide a sustainable flow of funds for the college to use to cover general expenses and to fund growth opportunites.

nationally accredited