
Live Like Jesus!

ARISE – A Silicon Valley Missions School

A personal enrichment, discipleship school from Northern California Bible College

Are you aiming high enough?

Each of us has a harvest field, a place to go on mission and share Christ’s good news.

In Christ, filled with the Holy Spirit, you were made for more!

A One-Year Missions and Discipleship Intensive

Join ARISE, the new one-year missions school intensive, where handling the word of Truth is coupled with partnering deeply with the Holy Spirit.

  • Live like Jesus. Love. Powerfully.
  • Grow in knowledge and relationship with God, dwelling in His Presence.
  • Learn to live from an identity in Christ, empowered by the Holy Spirit.
  • Know and understand your calling like never before.

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Interested in going deeper with the Holy Spirit. If you have been feeling the desire to go to ministry school or to finish your degree; it is probably God. He nudges, we take the plunge!

Get started now

Spirit and Truth

What happens when the regional Bible College starts a discipleship intensive?

ARISE is birthed – the fusion of deep studies in the Word and a daily expectation of missional empowerment by the Holy Spirit.

For God is Spirit, so those who worship him must worship in spirit and in truth.” John 4:24

All are called to be everyday missionaries here in Silicon Valley and beyond, for the glory of Jesus’ name.


There is more!

  • Come to Encounter God, in Spirit and Truth.
  • Come to be Equipped for every opportunity & good work.
  • Come and be Empowered by the Holy Spirit for a daily life of missions and ministry.

What is ARISE?

Arise International Missions School


Are you searching for the “more” Christ has destined you for?

“Arise” is a call for you to take your place, “Arise … the glory of the LORD rises upon you” ~ Isa 60:1


Gathered from the nations.
Sent to the nations.

Join Silicon Valley’s diverse make up as we intentionally pursue the call to go the world with the good news of Jesus.

Missions & Ministry

“You will receive power … you will be my witnesses” ~ Acts 1:8
Discover the everyday mission field in front of us all. Enter the harvest like Jesus did, by loving powerfully.


An intentional, structured pursuit. Join us for Holy Spirit activations, careful study of the Word, testimonies and outreaches as we all pursue love & earnestly desire spiritual gifts ~ 1 Corinthians 14:1

Dive in. Apply Now!

Interested in going deeper with the Holy Spirit?
If you have been feeling the desire to go to missions school or to finish your degree; it is probably God. He nudges, we take the plunge! Time to swim.

starting Fall 2024

Year 1 Topics Include:
Prophecy, Healing, Freedom, Spiritual Gifts, Theology of Christ and the Holy Spirit, Spiritual Formation, and Studying the Bible for all its worth.

silicon valley paced

Tuesday nights in Campbell. Two hours in-person and two to three hours per week video lecture. No homework required for personal enrichment students. Led by highly qualified professors and pastors with years of experience and training in the Word and activation and imparting through the Holy Spirit.

Nationally Accredited

ARISE has partnered with Northern California Bible College to provide students with the options to pursue a Master’s degree or complete a Bachelor’s degree while attending ARISE. Greater outside work will be required for degree seeking students.


ARISE will facilitate Encounters with God’s love. Knowing God and dwelling in His Presence is what we desire. Encounters with the living God that brings communion to our souls and transformation to our lives.


We seek to provide Equipping opportunities for every disciple with God’s word and practical partnership with the Holy Spirit. “Equipping the saints for ministry”, Eph 4:12


ARISE will help Empower you to fulfill the mandate of our Lord to proclaim and demonstrate the Gospel of Christ while walking in the Spirit. You were made for more! Come receive the impartation of the Holy Spirit.

Who we are

From a Baptist pastor who has been seeing miracles since the 1970s to high tech engineers turned into Holy Spirit spiritual gift equippers and doctorates in theology, our vision is to equip and empower a missional generation through encounters with God’s Spirit and through the Word. ARISE teachers, equippers and trainers are full of the Spirit, and well versed in the Word of the Lord.

who you are

You are a passionate pursue of Jesus. You are aiming higher, ready to rise up with God and influence the region for the Kingdom of God.

You have had a deep yearning for more of the Father’s love, more of Christ in you and more missions partnership with the Holy Spirit, empowered into your everyday harvest field. You are aiming higher, ready to rise up with God and influence the region for the Kingdom of God.

ARISE fits any life goal!

This Missions School is made for a variety of life goals. If you want to join a cohort of like minded, passionate pursuers of Jesus, then this is the place for you.

And if you have a college degree pursuit as one of your life goals, then our partnership with the local Bible College makes ARISE a perfect fit.

Masters Degree

MA in Biblical and Practical Theology. 2 years, one night per week, 6 units per quarter. Tailored for working professionals. Must have a BA in any field.
Apply Now

Bachelors Degree

Come start or finish your Bachelor’s degree. The courses satisfy the core requirements for a BA in Biblical Studies. One night per week for 6 units per quarter.
Get Started Now

Aim Higher

Missions school is for everyone. Come enjoy the learning environment, grow, and transform. Everyone can benefit.
Join ARISE Now

Spirit & truth

Empowered Ministry

Holy Spirit filled teaching and empowerment. Training and activation. Spiritual gifts, spiritual disciplines, Christ-centered, resurrection life, practiced lifestyle.

deep Theology

Transform your mind. Immerse yourself in Scripture. See your life change as you study the word with others. Gain insights and methods from scholars and Bible teachers.


“This was my first real training in prophecy, and I could not have asked for a more perfect teaching or teacher. The Lord blessed and encouraged and challenged me in many ways.”

Laura D.


“Old car accident injury pain had remained. After prayer, it is almost completely gone, also not taking the strong pain medications anymore.”



“I was enrolled in the Prophetic Healing class. On the first day of class Pastor Greg demonstrated to the class how to pray for someone for healing. The very next day my mom shared she was experiencing severe back pain. The pain had keep her from doing everyday day activities and she was only comfortable laying down. I decided to pray for her using the steps Pastor Greg had shared with the class the day before. After prayer I asked my mom how she felt. Her response was something that I can never forget, because not only did she say she felt immediately better but she was also jumping!”

M. B.

San Jose

Is ARISE for you?

Arise International Missions School students are on the journey to live like Jesus did, by Loving Powerfully. If you have had a deep yearning for more of the Father’s love, more of Christ in you and more missions partnership with the Holy Spirit, empowered into your everyday harvest field, then ARISE is for you.

Need more information or just want to talk to an advisor please email or call 925-846-6464.

Apply Now!

Interested in going deeper with the Holy Spirit? If you have been feeling the desire to go to ministry school or to finish your degree; it is probably God. He nudges, we take the plunge! Time to swim.

ARISE is a partnership between Northern California Bible College and Revival Valley Ministries.

Visit Us

1799 Winchester Blvd

Campbell, CA 95008

Contact us

(925) 846-6464

Open Hours

T: 7pm – 9pm