online library resources
We all love the word “free”
And there are some really awesome, dedicated people who work to provide quality information for public access. The trick is knowing where to look. Here are some places where you may find just what you need to complete that paper, sermon, or book.
Remember, these are free resources. Although these have been lightly combed through by a couple librarians, still use your critical thinking skills! For more information on how to do this, see the “Research & Writing Help” and “Can I Trust This?” pages of the NCBC Student Resources Blog.
Special thanks to Mr. Murl Winters, Evangel University Library Emeritus, for compiling a majority of this list (with the help of various colleges and universities throughout the U.S. and beyond).
Since this list is extensive, please report any broken or incorrect links to the NCBC librarian for correction. This help is greatly appreciated!
Biblical Texts and Study Tools (See Also, “Exegesis” Below)
- Annotated Old Testament Bibliography: want to grow your personal library or do some research at a theological library? Not sure where to start? Here is an annotated bibliography of recommended Old Testament commentaries from Denver Seminary. For a similar list for the New Testament, scroll down to “New Testament Exegesis Bibliography” in this section.
- Asbury Bible Commentary
- Baker’s Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology
- Best Commentaries: “Rotten Tomatoes for commentaries.”
- Bible Commentaries Comparison Chart: not sure which commentary to use? This comparison chart can help you!
- Bible Commentary Comparison Chart (VTLP): here’s another chart that will compare commentaries for you. A very useful tool for furthering study or purchasing commentaries of your own. You may also access this list here.
- Bible Commentaries (Bryan College): a list of free online commentaries, categorized to make it very user-friendly.
- Bible Commentaries (Reformed Books Online): quite an exhaustive offering, covering Whole Bible, Old and New Testament, and most public domain. Reformed in nature, but not exclusively.
- Bible Concordances
- Bible Gateway: freely read, research and reference scripture in more than 200 version and over 70 languages.
- Bible Hub: topical, Greek, and Hebrew study tools, plus concordances, commentaries, dictionaries, sermons, and devotionals.
- free access to biblical materials, including the NET Bible with over 60,000 notes and free access to the Bible reading tool, Lumina.
- Bible Research
- Bible Study Tools: contains Bible versions and translations, Apocrypha books, commentaries, concordances, dictionaries, encyclopedias, history, lexicons, maps and guides, classics, sermons, hymns, and authors.
- Bible and Theological Studies (Association of Christian Librarians)
- Biblical Studies (Tyndale University)
- Biblical Studies and Theology Resources (Johnson University)
- Blue Letter Bible: tools for an in-depth study of the Bible via an online reference library and study tools grounded in historical, conservative Christian faith.
- Generation Word’s Online Study Tools and Library: one word: exhaustive! A great resource.
- This Google Custom Search was created by librarian Sally Jo Shelton, PhD and is a FANTASTIC way to quickly search across several free online Bible study websites, many that are listed in this section of the guide. Simply type in a keyword (“the lord’s prayer”, for example), chapter or verse, and you will get instant results from sites trusted by many librarians.
- Got Questions: Your Questions, Biblical Answers
- Holman Bible Dictionary. Simply click on the letter that begins the word you are searching for.
- International Critical Commentary: the original ICC copyright has expired, and now ALL volumes of this biblical commentary have been digitized and are free for viewing on the web or downloading to your hard drive.
- International Languages Bible for Spirit-led believers (Fire Bible)
- International Standard Bible Encyclopedia. Simply click on the letter corresponding to the word you are searching for.
- IVP New Testament Commentaries
- Jewish Encyclopedia
- Latin Vulgate Translation (Holy Bible)
- Latin Vulgate: parallel text: Douay-Rheims and King James Authorized
- Latin Vulgate (Bible Study Tools) (St. Jerome)
- NET Bible Study Environment: using Lumina, this study environment is one of the most powerful and simplified versions freely available online.
- New Testament Exegesis Bibliography: want to grow your personal library or do some research at a theological library? Not sure where to start? Here is a bibliography of recommended New Testament works from Denver Seminary. For a similar list for the Old Testament, scroll back up to “Annotated Old Testament Bibliography” in this section.
- New Testament use of Old Testament verses (list)
- Precept Austin: a very well organized and useful conglomerate of free Bible and theology resources from across the Web. Great for sermon prep.
- Resources for New Testament Exegesis: Prof. Ciampa, Ph.D. has compiled an excellent list of resources on this webpage. Although some are specific to his students, the majority of these resources can be extremely helpful to anyone wanting to learn how to do a biblical exegesis.
- SBL Greek New Testament
- STEP (Scripture Tools for Every Person)
- contains 27 Bible dictionaries. Click “Bible Study Tools” in top ribbon.
- Systematic theologies: comparison chart
- Systematic theologies by tradition
- Theology on the Web: the following sites make up Theology on the Web, a space for scholarly, open access works concerning the study of religion:
- Topical (Reformed Books Online) studies: a great jumping-off point for topical sermon prep.
- Virtual World Project: experience archeological sites in Israel, Palestine, and Jordan virtually.
- Word Pictures in the New Testament. A classic tool for Greek word study. No knowledge of New Testament Greek needed.
Online Portals and LibGuides
- Association of Christian Librarians: a Bible and Theology LibGuide (online library guide) of online resources relevant to biblical and theological studies.
- Association of Christian Librarians Biblical and Theological Studies LibGuide (Introduction): I’ve already listed the general resources for this guide above, but this introduction page has SO MUCH good information, I can’t recommend it enough! Take some time to browse and use these resources for all of your biblical study and research needs!
- BASE: one of the world’s most voluminous search engines for academic web resources, accessing more than 240 million documents across 8000 different providers. BASE is operated by Beilefeld University Library.
- Bible Commentaries (Bryan College): a list of free online commentaries, categorized to make it very user-friendly. Compiled by librarian Kevin Woodruff, M. Div, MS.
- Bible Study Resources (Bryan College): another fantastic resource, compiled by Kevin Woodruff, M. Div, MS. Most of these resources listed can be found for free via Internet Archive, Hathi Digital Trust, or Google Books (all of which are also linked to this blog).
- Biznar: a Deep Web business search.
- Database List: Open Access and Freely Available Resources: compiled by the University of Minnesota Duluth library.
- Evangel University – Recommended Sites by Subject: a very impressive and useful list of free resources compiled by librarians. NCBC students should take special note of the Bible and Theology section. This is one of the better guides I have seen for free resources on the web, and includes a variety of subjects beyond Bible and theology.
- General Reference Internet Sources: The US Department of the Interior lists many helpful reference and data sources on this page. A portal.
- This Google Custom Search was created by librarian Sally Jo Shelton, PhD and is a FANTASTIC way to quickly search across several free online Bible study websites. Simply type in a keyword (“the lord’s prayer”, for example), chapter or verse, and you will get instant results from sites trusted by many librarians.
- Ingenta: “World’s largest resource for scholarly publications.”
- MagPortal: find individual articles from freely accessible magazines. Keyword search or browse by category.
- Post-Reformation Digital Library: a guide to several metasearch engines and specialized libraries.
- Precept Austin: a very well organized and useful conglomerate of free Bible and theology resources from across the Web. Great for sermon prep.
- Research Resources for Johnson University Graduates: this is a guide, created by a librarian at a Christian university, of free research resources for his graduating students who would no longer be using the library databases. Many of the resources will be helpful to NCBC students as well.
- Wesley Biblical Seminary Library: A portal of links, most of which are open access.
- Wiki-lists:
- Academic databases and search engines
- Educational video websites
- Digital library projects
- Online databases (may not be free)
- Online encyclopedias
- Open Access (free) journals
- See Also, “Reference Works Online” below.
- Best Free Reference Websites and Apps (Library Journal): this list from a trusted librarian source has useful reference sources for a variety of needs.
- Best Reference Sites Online (Wendy Boswell)
- Dictionary of Phrase and Fable
- search over 100 encyclopedias and dictionaries
- Free Open Data Sources: a compilation of free data from mostly government organization, ranging from the World Health Organization to Google public data and The World Bank.
- Funk and Wagnells: and online, multimedia dictionary.
- General Reference Internet Sources: The US Department of the Interior lists many helpful reference and data sources on this page. A portal.
- Infoplease: a reference site combining “an encyclopedia, a dictionary, an atlas, and several almanacs loaded with statistics, facts, and historical records…teachers and librarians turn to Infoplease for information on an array of topics, including current events, pop culture, science, government, and history.” See also the kidSAFE-certified sister site, Fact Monster.
- LookLex Encyclopedia
- Loeb Classical Library: the public domain editions of the library can be found at this link. The Loeb Classical Library describes itself as “ancient masterworks” and “our entire classical heritage”, with everything from lyrical poetry and satire to history, philosophy, medical writers, mathematicians, and Church fathers.
- RefDesk: Fact Checker for the Internet: Virtual Reference
- Sermon Index : sermons from great preachers of the past, archived and preserved in an effort to stir revival in the hearts of modern day readers and preachers.
- Sermon Index by Series (Lifeway): free index created by Lifeway publishers.
- Sermon and Textual Index (Reformed Books Online): Reformed in theology, and very robust.
- Wikipedia list of online encyclopedias
- WWW Virtual Library. Each topic is overseen by one or more subject specialists.
- WolframAlpha: a computational knowledge engine and answer engine, created on a platform created with calculation, visualization, and statistic capabilities.
- A great place to start: Wikipedia’s List of Academic Databases and Search Engines, which also indicates the type of information covered, and which databases and search engines are free.
- Go here for a good list of theological journals
- Check out this Wikipedia list of Open Access (free) journals
- Acta Theologica: Acta Theologica is a scholarly journal publishing articles in any applicable fields of scholarship within theology and religion.
- De Gruyter Open Access: over 100 e-books and over 430 scholarly journals across disciplines of study. Filter your search results by “open access” to see free content.
- Faith and Philosophy: Journal of the Society of Christian Philosophers: “Faith and Philosophy is the journal of the Society of Christian Philosophers. It is provided by open-access by SCP so that the best of contemporary Christian philosophy and philosophy of religion is available to all.”
- Great Commission Research Journal: focuses on research relevant to the Great Commission, drawing form multiple disciplines.
- HTS Teologiese Studies/Theological Studies: an influential and frequently cited accredited peer reviewed journal that promotes multidisciplinary, religious, and biblical aspects of studies in the international arena.
- JURN: a search tool that helps you find articles (and books) from selected university repositories in the areas of arts, humanities, biomedical, business, law, and the natural world.
- Journal of Biblical Counseling
- The Journal of Inductive Biblical Studies: focusing on a hermeneutical approach to biblical studies.
- Listing of Open Access Databases: “The objective…is to create a web-enabled, linked, classified and categorized collection of Open Access Databases which one can access from a single portal. Although initial focus is on science and technology subjects, the ultimate aim is to include all subject areas.”
- Online Pentecostal Academic Journals
- Paperity: an online aggregator of open access (free) journals, across several disciplines of study.
- Pentecostal Education: “A journal of the World Alliance for Pentecostal Theological Education.”
- PneumAfrica Journal: “The online journal of African Pentecostal Christianity.”
- Pneuma Review: “a journal of ministry resources and theology for pentecostal and charismatic ministries and leaders”.
- The WATS Journal: an online journal from West Africa Theological Seminary.
- Predatory Journals – a predatory journal is defined as pushing self interest at the cost of good scholarship. Learn more about them here:
Opposing Viewpoints
- is nonpartisan, academic platform for finding opposing viewpoints on current and hot topics, created with advisory boards and using an editorial process. It is a great free resource for finding information when writing opinion or persuasive essays.
- ProCon by Encyclopedia Britannica: nonpartisan, well researched and well organized by subject. From a trusted published source.
Research, data and statistics
- The ARDA: The Association of Religion Data Archive. An extremely useful data site with Quickstats, maps, and interactive timelines to save you time gathering data for your papers.
- Barna: “Barna Group is a visionary research and resource company located in Ventura, California. Started in 1984, the firm is widely considered to be a leading research organization focused on the intersection of faith and culture.”
- Census Bureau
- Country Profiles (UN)
- Gallup: a well-known polling agency with polls on various current topics.
- Fast Facts about American Religion (Hartford Institute for Religion Institute)
- General Reference Internet Sources: The US Department of the Interior lists many helpful reference and data sources on this page. A portal.
- Google Public Data Explorer
- GPO Access: Government Printing Office. Note its Browse link for access to informational reports and statistical resources.
- Human Trafficking Hotline, National (Statistics)
- Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
- This is “a massive central data source and a handy way to graphically compare nations.”
- National Statistical Offices (UN)
- Our World in Data: an online publications showing how living conditions are changing, so we can learn from the past and work toward our future.
- Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life. “The Pew Forum conducts surveys, demographic analyses and other social science research on important aspects of religion and public life in the U.S. and around the world.
- Religion Statistics by Country (NationMaster). Statistics presented by Bar Charts.
- Official U. S. Government Web Portal
- US Census Bureau Statistical Abstract Series: A collection of abstracts from 1879 to 2012, gathered from the US Census, State and Metropolitan Area Data Book, and County Data book. This can be helpful when researching information regarding the US population (such as race, religion, family structure, age, wages, etc.).
- World Factbook (CIA)
- The Womanstats Project: a “comprehensive database on the status of women cross-nationally.”
- Yale University Library’s Free Web Resources on Religion: Data & Statistical Websites: endorsed by the American Theological Library Association, this collection of statistics and data on religion is an extremely helpful resource for students of religion, missionaries and evangelists.
Online Libraries and Special Collections
- Atla Digital Library: the American Theological Library Association’s religion and theology collections online.
- The Association of Christian Librarians Virtual Theological Library Project: bibliographic records to open access e-books, commentaries, journals, and research websites.
- The Avalon Project: “Documents in law, history, and diplomacy”, dating back as far as ancient and medieval times – everything from the Magna Carta to the United States Bill of Rights.
- Billy Graham Center Archives (Wheaton)
- Center for the Study of New Testament Manuscripts
- Christian Classics Ethereal Library: the CCEL selects, collects, distributes, and promotes valuable classical Christian literature through the World Wide Web and other media.
- CiteSeerX: scientific and academic papers in the fields of computer and informations science.
- Classic Christian Library: “The best in Christian writing online, as free PDF ebook files…Bible commentaries, systematic theologies, devotional works, topical studies…from many periods of Christian history (the early Church fathers, Puritans, Reformed, etc.)”
- Core Documents of U. S. Democracy
- Digital Libraries: suggested by the Post-Reformation Digital Library.
- Digital Public Library of America: over 40,000,000 images, texts, videos, and sounds.
- Fadedpage: over 7000 free ebooks.
- FRASER: Economic history.
- Hathi Trust Digital Library: “millions of titles digitalized from around the world.”
- Internet Archive: a “non-profit library of millions of free books, movies, software, music, websites, and more”.
- Internet History Sourcebooks Project (Fordham University)
- Jonathan Edwards Center (Yale University)
- Liberty Fund: “Over 400 titles that explore the ideal of liberty across many disciplines, including economics, political thought, history, and law.”
- LibriVox: free public domain audiobooks.
- List of Digital Library Projects
- List of Region-Oriented Digital Libraries
- Loeb Classical Library: the public domain editions of the library can be found at this link. The Loeb Classical Library describes itself as “ancient masterworks” and “our entire classical heritage”, with everything from lyrical poetry and satire to history, philosophy, medical writers, mathematicians, and Church fathers.
- Making of America: a digital library of primary sources in American social history from the antebellum period through reconstruction.
- Martin Luther’s Sermons
- Martin Luther King, Jr, Research and Education Institute: find recorded speeches, sermons, and writings by and about MLK.
- National Academic Press: “Publications of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.”
- National Library of Israel
- National Library of Medicine
- On The Wing: a website of resources that are distinctly Reformed in theological nature.
- Online Books Page: 3 million free books on the Web.
- Open Access Digital Theological Library: “Free access to over 165,000 ebooks, including over 45,000 dissertations and over 34,000 books from the last 25 years…a digital library for theology, religious studies and related disciplines.”
- Open Library: books from libraries, digitized and freely available.
- Print disabled:
- Post-Reformation Digital Library: “A select database that organizes the vast array of publicly available digital sources on the development of theology and philosophy during the early modern era (late 15th-18th c.).”
- Princeton Theological Seminary Library@Internet Archive
- Project Gutenberg: over 53,000 ebooks, proofread by volunteers and of a high quality (published by bona fide publishers).
- Rare Book Room: some of the greatest books in the world, digitized and free.
- Society of Evangelical Arminians
- Spurgeon Archives: there is a small “search” icon at the top right corner where you can do a keyword search across Spurgeon’s teachings.
- Standard Ebooks: similar to Project Gutenberg, but taking pains to make public domain books user-friendly, highly proofread, and easy on the eyes.
- Theology on the Web: by digitizing and uploading rare and out of print theology books and articles, and cross-linking with other websites, TOTW seeks to provide high quality material free via the Web.
- The Wesley Center Online: a collection of historical and scholarly resources about the Wesleyan Tradition, theology, Christianity, and the Nazarene church.
- A Wikipedia listing of digital libraries.
- WorldCat: need a book? Wondering if a library near you has a copy? Want to generate a citation for a book you are reading? WorldCat (world catalogue) can do all of that, and more!
- World Wide Web Virtual Library: a virtual library of internet knowledge, created by Tim Berners-Lee – the creator of HTML and the World Wide Web itself.
- Classroom Aid: a portal.
- Community College Consortium for Open Educational Resources
- Don’t You Believe It! (Hoover): not a “textbook” per se, but a useful text for critical thinking and understanding logical fallacies.
- Economics in One Lesson (Hazlitt)
- Flatworld
- FreeTech Books: concentrating in the computer science/technology subjects.
- Open Access Textbooks: a portal.
- Open Culture
- Open Educational Resources: textbooks, courses, and more. All free!
- Open Stacks
- Open Textbook Library
E-books and Databases (Academic)
- Directory of Open Access Books: “The directory is open to all publishers who publish academic, peer reviewed books in Open Access and should contain as many books as possible, provided these publications are in Open Access and meet academic standards”
- Listing of Open Access Databases: “the objective of Listing of Open Access DataBases (LOADB) is to create a web-enabled, linked, classified, and categorized collection of Open Access Databases which one can access from a single portal. Although initial focus is on science and technology subjects, the ultimate aim is to include all subject areas.”
Academic Search Engines
- BASE (Bielefeld Academic Search Engine): “BASE is one of the world’s most voluminous search engines especially for academic web resources. BASE provides more than 140 million documents from more than 6,000 sources. You can access the full texts of about 60% of the indexed documents for free (Open Access).”
- CORE: “The world’s largest collection of open access research papers.”
- Google Dataset Search and Google Scholar
- Internet Archive Scholar: “This full text search index includes over 25 million research article and other scholarly documents preserved in the Internet Archive. The collection spans from digitized copies of eighteenth century journals through the latest Open Access conference proceedings and pre-prints crawled from the World Wide Web.”
- Theological Journals Search:”This Google custom search engine allows you to find full-text articles in hundreds of religious, open-access online journals and other periodicals.”
- Wikipedia list of Open Access databases and search engines
Free Images and Designs
- Canva: a free resource for creating professional quality designs
- Creative Commons: open access images and media, free for public use.
Resources in Spanish, Math, Business, History, and Science
- Estudios Español: textbooks, journals, biblical studies and more resources for Spanish speakers can be found at this portal.
- Biznar: a Deep Web business search.
- The Invisible Web – Business: research related to business that cannot easily be found on the open web.
- Khan Academy: probably one of the most popular go-to sites for math education, preK – college level. Much of it is free.
- INASP: International Network for the Availability of Scientific Publications – scroll down for the math sections.
- WolframAlpha: a computational knowledge and answer engine, created on a platform with calculation, visualization, and statistic capabilities.
- “2,086.431 scholarly articles in the fields of physics, mathematics, computer science, quantitative biology, quantitative finance, statistics, electrical engineering and systems science, and economics. Materials on this site are not peer-reviewed by arXiv.”
History Resources (See Also Biblical Archeology, Biblical Backgrounds and History, Church Fathers, Church History, Dead Sea Scrolls, Egypt, Greece, Mesopotamia, Middle East, Josephus, Reformation and Post Reformation, and Rome sections below)
- Core Documents of U. S. Democracy
- Chronicling America (Library of Congress): access to and information about historic American newspapers.
- History Hub
- Making of America: a digital library of primary sources in American social history from the antebellum period through reconstruction.
- Paper of Record: “Building the world’s largest searchable archive of historical newspapers”
- The National Archives
- Umbra: African American history search
- Websites for Historians (Fordham University)
- ASAPbio: learn more about science preprints on their website.
- bioRxiv: learn more about science preprints on this “about” page.
- Dimensions: learn more about Dimensions here.
- ERIC: from the Institute of Educational Sciences.
- INASP: International Network for the Availability of Scientific Publications.
- InTech Books: hundreds of books and thousands of articles in the fields of medicine, science, and technology.
- Mednar Search: another academic science portal, geared toward medicine.
- MedlinePlus: “Extensive information from the National Institute of Health and other trusted sources on over 740 topics on conditions, disease and wellness.” Additionally: medical encyclopedias, medical dictionaries, prescription and non prescription drug info, etc.
- NASA PubSpace
- Open Science Framework
- Psych Web: a portal
- Semantic Scholar: a “free, AI powered research tool for scientific literature.”
- Social Science Research Network
- USDA Plants Database
- WorldWideScience: “A global science gateway”
- “2,086.431 scholarly articles in the fields of physics, mathematics, computer science, quantitative biology, quantitative finance, statistics, electrical engineering and systems science, and economics. Materials on this site are not peer-reviewed by arXiv.”
- Wikipedia list of neuroscience databases
- ASAPbio: learn more about science preprints on their website.
- bioRxiv: learn more about science preprints on this “about” page.
- CiteSeerX: an academic portal for finding scientific literature.
- Dimensions: learn more about Dimensions here.
- ERIC: from the Institute of Educational Sciences.
- Mednar Search: another academic science portal, geared toward medicine.
- NASA PubSpace
- Open Science Framework
- Psych Web: a portal
- Social Science Research Network
- USDA Plants Database
- WorldWideScience: “A global science gateway”
- “2,086.431 scholarly articles in the fields of physics, mathematics, computer science, quantitative biology, quantitative finance, statistics, electrical engineering and systems science, and economics. Materials on this site are not peer-reviewed by arXiv.”
- Wikipedia list of neuroscience databases
Random Resources
- Acronym Finder: find out what an acronym, abbreviation, or initials stands for.
- Canva: design visually appealing newsletters, flyers, posters and more.
- search for laws, bills, and more.
- Database List: Open Access and Freely Available Resources: compiled by the University of Minnesota Duluth library.
- DuckDuckGo: tired of Google spying on your web searches? DuckDuckGo can help!
- FindLaw: help for legal needs.
- FindSounds: this is exactly what it “sounds” like! Find almost any sound.
- Free Sheet Music
- Google Books Ngram Viewer: Don’t know what Ngram is? Read about it here.
- GovInfo: US government information.
- HookSounds: royalty free music you can use in a variety of ways.
- Open Clip Art: clip art that is free to use for flyers, invites, etc.
- OpenGrey: a custom search of “grey” literature in Europe. (Some examples of grey literature are technical or research reports, doctoral dissertations, conference papers and official publications. See also:
- Openly Licensed Images: don’t post copyrighted images in your work! Don’t steal the creative work of others! Instead, search here for free, openly licensed images! (FYI, all the images used in this blog were found this way.)
- Piktochart: AI generated picture graphics.
- everything you need to know for international travel as a US citizen.
- a government website that helps make government services easier to find.
Biblically Related Topics
- Always Be Ready Apologetics Ministry: articulating the case for Christianity (Charlie Campbell)
- Apologetics Canada Ministries
- Biblical Worldview on Academic Disciplines: a reading guide created by San Diego Christian College and Southern California Seminary.
- or
- CrossExamined
- Got Questions: Your Questions, Biblical Answers
- Does God Exist?
- Don’t You Believe It! (Hoover): a free text covering critical thinking and logical fallacies.
- Embrace the Truth
- The Institute for Creation Research
- Library of Historical Apologetics: a great resource for lay apologists to learn about past defenders.
- Stand to Reason
- Summit Ministries
- Tekton Education and Apologetics Ministries
Biblical Archeology
- Associates for Biblical Research: “A Christian apologetics ministry dedicated to demonstrating the historical reliability of the Bible through Archeological and Biblical Research.”
- Biblical Archaeology: “Through biblical archaeology researchers can reconstruct the lifeways of biblical peoples and learn of the cultural change (cultural process) in their civilizations.”
- Center for the Study of New Testament Manuscripts
Biblical Backgrounds and History
- ABR (Associates for Biblical Research) Website
- Ancient World on the Web: Ancient World Resources (K.C. Hanson’s Homepage)
- Bible History Daily
- Center for the Study of New Testament Manuscripts
- Internet Ancient History Sourcebook (Fordham)
- Into His Own: perspectives on the world of Jesus: mostly “excerpted from works written by Jewish authors…”
- New Advent: Catholic news, The Catholic Encyclopedia, Summa Theologaie, and more.
- Bethel Church (third wave/hypercharismatic)
- Calvary Chapel
- Christian Missionary Alliance
- Church of God
- Church of God in Christ
- Enrichment (Assemblies of God journal)
- Foursquare Leader Magazine
- HopeFaithPrayer (free online books)
- Pneuma Review (free online journal)
- Vineyard Fellowship
- Chronology of the Judges
- New Testament Books in Chronological Order
- Old Testament Chronology and Timelines (scroll down)
Church and Culture
- Association of Religion Data Archives: ARDA
- Gospel and Our Culture Network
- Plugged In: A movie review page by Focus on the Family
Church Denominations
- ARDA: Association of Religious Data Archive. See Research, Data and Statistics above.
- Church History: Denomination Family Tree (Truthfor Saints)
- Fast Facts about American Religion (Hartford Institute for Religion Institute)
- List of Christian Denominations and their Beliefs (Church Relevance)
- St. Pachomius Library: Study of Denominations
Church Fathers
- Apostolic Fathers
- Church Fathers (Writings of): Ante-Nicene, Nicene, and Post-Nicene. Church history; e-texts, systematic theology study helps; Quodlibet Journal (Their comments on Bible passages have now been collected into Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture)
- Religion: Fathers of the Church
- Creeds and Canons: Guide to Early Church Documents: A Portal.
- Patrologiae Cursus Completus. Series Graeca: (Jacques Paul Migne.) Greek and Latin text. Indexes at bottom right (Content of each volume).
Church Fathers – Patristics (See Also “Patristics” Below)
- Bibliographic Information Base in Patristics (BIBP)
- Religion: Fathers of the Church
- Internet Medieval Sourcebook (FordhamUniversity)
- North American Patristics Society: Click “Resources” to see Encyclopedias; Early Christian Texts; Early Christian Authors; Oriental Christianity; Societies and Institutes; Other Resources and Guides; Teaching Early Christian Studies.
- Patristic Texts
- Patristic Theology (Historical theology)
Church History
- American Society of Church History
- BU Center for Global Christianity and Mission: Contains both the Chinese Historical Christian Database (which provides tools to discover where every Christian church, school, hospital, orphanage, publishing house and the like were located in China from 1550-1950, and also documents who worked there) and the Dictionary of African Christian Biography (which strives to “collect, preserve, and make freely accessible biographical accounts and church histories…integral to a scholarly understanding of African Christianity.”
- Byzantium: Byzantine Studies on the Internet: A Portal.
- Christian Classics Ethereal Library A Portal.
- Christian History Magazine
- Center for the Study of Global Christianity, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary
- Church History(Theopedia) “online evangelical encyclopedia of biblical Christianity” A Portal.
- Church History: Denomination Family Tree (Truthfor Saints)
- Church History on the Web: A Portal.
- Church of God(Cleveland, TN): Dixon Pentecostal Research Center
- Collection of Early Church Fathers’ Writings (CCEL):“Ante-Nicene Fathers, Writings down to 325 A.D.; Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers. Early Church Fathers; Additional Texts:
- Early Church Fathers
- Early Manuscripts Electronic Library: creating digital access to cultural history
- Edgar J. Goodspeed Manuscript Collection
- Eusebius’ Ecclesiastical History (New Advent) (10 books)
- Fourth Century Christianity (Wisconsin Lutheran College)
- Guide to Early Church Documents (ICL)
- Hall of Church History: Theology from a Bunch of Dead Guys;
- Historical Maps of Europe and the Middle East (Perry-Castañeda Library) A Portal.
- Anglican Church timeline:
- History of the Moravian Church (Hutton)
- Internet Medieval Sourcebook Full Text Sources(Fordham University)
- Living Encyclopædiaof Orthodox Christianity
- Loeb Classical Library: the public domain editions of the library can be found at this link. The Loeb Classical Library describes itself as “ancient masterworks” and “our entire classical heritage”, with everything from lyrical poetry and satire to history, philosophy, medical writers, mathematicians, and Church fathers.
- Moravian Church
- Payne Seminary (AME): a library collection focused on Black churches in America within the African Methodist Episcopal denomination.
- Post-Reformation Digital Library: Note the Links to Traditions (Religious Denominations, etc.)
- Post-Reformation Digital Library: Genres (topics included)
- Post-Reformation Digital Library: Reference tools
- Post-Reformation Digital Library: Related Websites
- Project Wittenberg (Church Architecture – Lutherans)
- Sant’ Agostino Opera Omni (Augustinushipponensis) (St. Augustine of Hippo): Has “Would you like to translate it?” tab
- Sketches of Church History (2 volume online book): (Reverend J. C. Robertson) Vol. 1: 33-604 A.D.; Vol. 2: 589-1517
- Spurgeon Archive
- St. Pachomius Library: Study of Denominations
- Tertullian Project: A collection of material ancient and modern about the ancient Christian Latin writer Tertullian and his writings.
- Time Line of Church History (St. Ignatius Orthodox Church, Antiochian Diocese, Madison, WI)
- Virtual Religion Index: Christian Tradition (Rutgers University). A Portal.
Church History – Irish
- Corpus of Electronic Texts: CELT : “Irish history, literature, and politics.”
- History of the Church in Ireland (Angelfire) part 1
Church History – Medieval
- Augustine of Hippo (James J. O’Donnell)
- Corpus Thomisticum (Thomas Aquinas Research Resources in Latin)
- Medieval Church History (CCEL)
- Thomas Aquinas. Summa Theologica
- Works of Augustine (CCEL): Tim Perrine CCEL Staff Writer
Church History – Primitive and Early Church
- Church History 101 (Dr. R. A. Baker): Note the centuries in the top ribbon.
- Early Church History (CCEL)
- Look at the Early Church, AD 1-300 (Ken Curtis)
- Use of Scripture in Early Judaism and the NewTestament (Roy C. Ciampa, Ph.D., Gordon-Conwell)
Counseling Associations (See also, “Ministry – Counseling and Pastoral Counseling”)
- “7 Organizations Every Counselor Should Know”
- American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy
- American Association of Christian Counselors
- American Association of Pastoral Counselors
- American Counseling Association
- American Psychological Association
- Biblical Counseling Coalition
- Center for Biblical Counseling and Discipleship
- Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation
- Counseling Associations (The Agape Center): Links to: Genetic Counselor; Marriage and Family Therapy; Mental Health Counselor; Pastoral Counseling; Rehabilitation Counselor; & School Counselor.
- Institute for Biblical Counseling and Discipleship
- National Board for Certified Counselors
- National Institute of Mental Health
- Pastoral Counseling Associations
- Creeds and Canons
- Creeds and Confessions
- Creeds and Confessions (CARM)
- Creeds of Christendom (Rev. Michael H. Anderson, MDiv.) It includes
- Creeds in the Bible
- Ancient
- Baptist
- Episcopal
- Lutheran
- Mennonite
- Methodist
- Nicene Creed with Scripture Reference
- Orthodox
- Pentecostal
- Presbyterian
- Puritan
- Quaker
- Reformed
- Roman Catholic
- Salvation Army
- Miscellany
- Important Creeds and Councils of the Christian Church (Charles R. Biggs)
Dead Sea Scrolls
- Dead Sea Scrolls
- Leon Levy Dead Sea Scrolls Digital Library
- Orion Center for the Study of the Dead Sea Scrolls and Associated Literature
- Scrolls from the Dead Sea: The Ancient Library of Qumran and Modern Scholarship (Library of Congress site)
- Economics in One Lesson (Hazlitt): a classic and still applicable book that can teach you basic Economics concepts in one relatively short read.
- Liberty Fund
Egypt, Ancient
- Egypt (Best of History Websites): Approximately 35 Websites plus about 20 Websites for teachers. A Portal.
- Egyptian Book of the Dead (1240 BC): Translated by E.A. Wallis Budge. 12 vols.
- Egyptian Mythology: Gods of Egypt. (Do a or image search to find illustrations, charts, etc.)
- Business and Human Rights Resources Centre (UK)
- Center for Ethical Leadership
- Christian Ethics Today : A journal.
- Ethical Concerns in Research on Human Trafficking
- Ethics and Compliance Initiative (ECI)
- Holocaust Encyclopedia
- Human Trafficking Hotline, National (Statistics)
- Institute for Ethical Leadership
- Markkula Center for Applied Ethics: Santa Clara University
- National Security Archived : Torture Archive (George Washington University)
- Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Database
- VIA Institute on Character: VIA Institute
- Virtual Religion Index: Ethics and Moral Values: A portal.
- World’s Values Survey: The World’s most Comprehensive Investigation of Political and Sociocultural Change
- Yad Vashem: World Holocaust Remembrance Center Digital Collections: Holocaust research.
Exegesis (See Also: “Biblical Texts and Study Tools”)
- All-In-One Biblical Resources Search
- Baker’s Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology
- BibleArc: Graphical Exegesis: For deeper study of Scripture: John Piper. Hover the mouse over a word to see it parsed, etc .
- Biblical Greek Resources (Institute of Biblical Greek): and Online Greek Texts and interlinears
- Center for the Study of New Testament Manuscripts
- Early Christian Writings: “the most complete collection of documents from the first two centuries with translations and commentary.”
- Exegetical Study Methods Explained
- Extra-Biblical Sources:
- Internet Ancient History Sourcebook: sources for Israel and all its neighbors
- Internet Jewish History Sourcebook
- Works of Flavius Josephus
- New Testament Apocrypha
- Old Testament Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha
- Generation Word’s Online Study Tools and Library: one word: exhaustive! A great resource.
- Global Digital Library on Theology and Ecumenism
- Nave’s Topical Bible
- New Testament Use of the Old Testament: an essay
- Resources for New Testament Exegesis: Roy C. Ciampa, Ph.D., Godon-Conwell: A portal.
- Strong’s Concordance Online
- Topical Concordance
Fact Checkers
- See the “Can I Trust This?” page on the NCBC Student Resources blog.
- Early Church Fathers: A search for Faith in the writings of the Early Church Fathers has 40,000+ hits.
- Hope, Faith, Prayer: The Mechanics of Faith: 250 free books on faith
- Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics (James Hastings, et al.) Go to Click on Texts. Search for title. All 13 volumes may be downloaded. Use its very detailed index for specific articles.
- Sacred Texts and Religion: Gnostic
Greece, Ancient
- Greece (Best of History Websites): 33 Websites plus over 25 Websites for teachers. A portal.
- Loeb Classical Library: the public domain editions of the library can be found at this link. The Loeb Classical Library describes itself as “ancient masterworks” and “our entire classical heritage”, with everything from lyrical poetry and satire to history, philosophy, medical writers, mathematicians, and Church fathers.
- Perseus Digital Library (Tufts University)
Greek Orthodox Church
- Sacred Texts and Religion: Myriobiblos: Greek Orthodox Church Library
- Library
- History: Ancient; Medieval; Modern
- Christian Classics Ethereal Library: Early Church Fathers: Healing: type “healing” into the search bar to see results.
- Divine Healing: Type “Divine Healing” or “Healing” into the search bar.
- Divine Healing: Andrew Murray, 1828-1917
- Pentecostal-Charismatic Theological Inquiry International Research Centers
Islam – see World Religions, Islam
- Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics (James Hastings, et al.) Go to (, click Texts and make search for the title. Click needed volume (there are 13 and the last volume has a very detailed index for specific articles.) It is dated but still well regarded. All volumes may be downloaded.
- Early Jewish Literature: Links to Primary Sources: A portal.
- Early Jewish Writings: Tanakh; Deuterocanon: Pseudepigrapha : Philo of Alexandria; Flavius Josephus; Talmud. A portal
- Internet Jewish History Sourcebook: “Ancient; Medieval; Modern.” (Fordham University)
- Jewish Encyclopedia (1901-1906)
- Jewish History Resource Center (HebrewUniversity of Jerusalem’s Dinur Center): “Over 6000 links.” A Portal.
- Jewish Texts (Bialystoker Synagogue)
- Jewish Virtual Library (American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise) : “Anything you need to know form Anti-Semitism to Zionism.
- Jews for Jesus: a ministry consisting Jews who have found Jesus.
- Judaica Collection (Yale University)
- Judaism (Best of History Websites) (10 Websites plus 8 Websites for teachers). A portal.
- My Jewish Learning: What it means to be a Jew and be immersed in the culture.
- RAMBI: The index of articles on Jewish Studies: Jewish National and University Library
- Use of Scripture in Early Judaism and the New Testament
- Virtual Religion Index: Jewish Studies (Rutgers University): a portal.
Latin, Classical
- Christian Classics Ethereal Library
- Classical Latin Texts (Packard Humanities Institute)
- Loeb Classical Library Books Online (Edwin F. Donnelly)
- Loeb Classical Library: the public domain editions of the library can be found at this link. The Loeb Classical Library describes itself as “ancient masterworks” and “our entire classical heritage”, with everything from lyrical poetry and satire to history, philosophy, medical writers, mathematicians, and Church fathers.
- Perseus Digital Library
- Vetus Latina: Resources for the Study of the Old Latin Bible
- Revised Common Lectionary (Vanderbilt Divinity Library)
- ABZU: ETANA (Electronic Tools and Ancient Near East Archives)
- Ancient Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece, Rome, Middle Ages (History Links): “Art, Biographies, Daily Life, Maps, Pictures, and Research”
- Ancient Near East: Internet Sacred Text Archive
- Ancient Near East and the Mediterranean World (University of Chicago Digital Library Projects)
- Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature (Faculty of Oriental Studies. Oxford University)
- Internet Ancient History Sourcebook: Mesopotamia. A portal.
- Odyssey Online: Covering People, Mythology, Daily Life, Death & Burial, Writing and Archaeology in Near East, Egypt, Greece, Rome, and Africa
Middle East (See also, “Egypt, Ancient” and “Mesopotamia”)
- Access to Mideast and Islamic Resources (AMIR): Open access journals.
- Fact Sheets on Middle East Conflict
- Middle East (History in the News): A portal.
- Sacred Texts and Religion: Epic of Gilgamesh (Shin-eqi-unninni)
- Sacred Texts of Various Religions: A portal.
Ministry – Campus
Ministry – Child Evangelism
- ERIC: from the Institute of Educational Sciences. Can be helpful for teachers of children when crafting curriculums or researching teaching methods.
- Child Evangelism Fellowship
- Children’s Ministry Agency
- Christian Literacy Associates is a literacy program aimed at incorporating biblical language and concepts into literacy tutoring/outreach for children and families. Bloom is a website that “makes it easy to make simple books and translate them into multiple languages.”
- Effective Evangelism Training: Child Evangelism
- Ministry to Children: Free Help
- Sovereign Grace Music – The Ology: this children’s album is full of catchy tunes that help teach theology to kids. Downloadable chord charts, piano scores, and accompaniment tracks are available.
Ministry – Church Growth and Health
- 9Marks
- Barna Group
- Church Growth Institute
- Church Ministries International
- Desiring God (John Piper)
Ministry – Counseling and Pastoral Counseling (See Also: “Counseling Associations”)
- “12 Popular Counseling Approaches to Consider”
- Association of Certified Biblical Counselors Annotated Reading List
- Basic Counseling Techniques
- Basic Counseling Skills
- Biblical Counseling Coalition: Browse by resource type.
- Biblical Counseling Database
- Birth Psychology (Association For Prenatal And Perinatal Psychology And Health.)
- BUROS Center for Testing
- CBCD Resources: Center for Biblical Counseling and Discipleship
- Child Welfare Information Gateway
- Christian Recovery International (…recovering from addiction, abuse, or trauma.)
- Classics in the History of Psychology
- Counseling Brochures and Fact Sheets: (NIMH)
- Counseling and Psychology Free Resources: this hyperlinked document (courtesy of librarian Murl Winters) is a GOLD MINE of free resources related to the fields of counseling and psychology.
- Counseling Skills and Techniques (AIU)
- Counseling Theories Charts
- DSM and DSM-related materials that can be borrowed online
- DSM Library (not free, but a good list for current titles)
- Effective Counseling Skills
- Encyclopedia of Psychology
- Essential Tools for Mental Health Professionals
- Glossary of Common Counseling Terms
- How Social Psychologists Conduct Their Research
- Human Trafficking (Child Welfare InformationGateway)
- Human Trafficking: List of Organizations that combat Human Trafficking (Wikipedia)
- Institute for Biblical Counseling and Discipleship Resources
- Journal of Biblical Counseling
- List of Psychological Research Methods
- Mental Health Matters
- Mental Help Net
- Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy
- Neurosciences on the Internet
- Cutaneous Fields of Peripheral Nerves
- Online Psychology Career Center (Social Psychology Network)
- Personality Project
- Psychology Information Online. A portal.
- Psychological Intervention for People Who Are Homeless
- Psychology Help Center (APA)
- Psychology of Religion Pages (Michael Nielsen). A portal.
- PsycPort (APA News)
- PubMed: PubMed Central (the free resources from PubMed)
- SAPA Project: a collaborative data collection tool for assessing psychological constructs across multiple dimensions of personality.
- Virtual Religion Index (Rutgers University): Psychology of Religion. A portal.
- Web of Addictions: Resources A portal.
Ministry – Evangelism
- American Tract Society (Crossway)
- Culturally Relevant Bible Commentaries
- Africa Bible Commentary (bibliographic info only)
- Global Bible Commentary (introduction only)
- Slavic Bible Commentary (overview)
- South Asia Bible Commentary (freely downloadable PDF)
- Evangelism Resources (North American Missions Board)
- Outreach: share God’s love
- Sermon Index : sermons from great preachers of the past, archived and preserved in an effort to stir revival in the hearts of modern day readers and preachers.
- World Christian Resources Directory: Master list of Christian ministry and evangelism groups/resources.
- World Evangelical Alliance (WEA)
Ministry – Music
- Cantus: A database of Latin ecclesiastical chant (University of Waterloo).
- Christian Classics Ethereal Hymnary
- Free Sheet Music
- Getty Music (modern hymn writers)
- a comprehensive index of hymns and hymnals. Particularly useful for learning melody, author, lyric and history of many hymns. To locate hymns based on Biblical texts, click the Texts tab and enter the Biblical passage spelled out or abbreviated.
- KidsCore Worship: not free, but a resource for purchasing
- Online Score Sources
- Resources for Worship
- Seeds Family Worship
- Sovereign Grace Music: “The mission of Sovereign Grace Music is to produce Christ-exalting songs and training for local churches from local churches. We call is Sound+Doctrine.”
Ministry – Pastoring and Sermon Preparation
- 9Marks
- Crosswalk
- Desiring God (John Piper)
- HopeFaithPrayer – free books (charismatic/pentecostal leaning)
- Minister Resources (Assemblies of God)
- Philosophy and Theology
- Preaching Today (Christianity Today)
- Sermon Central: Resources for Preaching and Teaching
- Sermon
- Sermon Index : sermons from great preachers of the past, archived and preserved in an effort to stir revival in the hearts of modern day readers and preachers.
- Study Light
Ministry – Youth
- Barna: “Barna Group is a visionary research and resource company located in Ventura, California. Started in 1984, the firm is widely considered to be a leading research organization focused on the intersection of faith and culture.”
- Center for Parent Youth Understanding: Understanding Culture to Impact Culture
- Child Trends
- Fuller Youth Institute
- Intervarsity Christian Fellowship
- KidsCore Worship: not free, but a good resource for purchasing
- National Study on Youth and Religion
- Veritas Forum
- Young Life
- Youth for Christ
- Youth Ministry Ideas (Pinterest)
- Youth Specialties
- Acts 29
- American Indian History (US Missions)
- Assemblies of God U.S. Missions
- Assemblies of God World Missions
- Agape International Missions: fighting sex trafficking and slavery in Cambodia and the U.S.
- Bible in international languages: the Bibles are not free, but this is a good resource for finding Bibles in 56+ different language translations.
- Christian Volunteering: Guide to those who use Christian volunteers and those who want to volunteer.
- Culturally Relevant Bible Commentaries
- Africa Bible Commentary (bibliographic info only)
- South Asia Bible Commentary (freely downloadable PDF)
- Digital Dictionaries of South Asia
- Digital South Asia Library (Center for Research Library & University of Chicago)
- Global-Effect: mission to Tanzania.
- International Mission Board (Southern Baptist)
- Joshua Project: “Bringing Definition to the Unfinished Task…Joshua Project is a research initiative seeking to highlight the ethnic people groups with the fewest followers of Jesus Christ.”
- Lausanne Movement: connecting influencers and ideas for global mission.
- Lutheran Missions:
- Mission Finder: “Christian Organizations: Missions, Churches, Businesses, Ministries & Trips.”
- This is “a massive central data source and a handy way to graphically compare nations.”
- Native American Languages in the US
- Rabbi Simcha (Sam) Stern: Rabbi Sam Stern was trained in Orthodox Judaism, survived the Holocaust, found Christ in the U.S. and graduated with a degree in English and Bible from Biola University – which allowed him to start “The Way” outreach ministry to Jews. These are PDF scans of his writings and teachings, of particular note is “I Found the Way” and his other written testimonies, which give so much clear Gospel preaching from the perspective of a Jewish man trained in orthodoxy.
- Remember the Children: mission work in Romania.
- Researching World Christianity: Doctoral Dissertations on Mission since 1900 (International Bulletin of Missionary Research)
- Restoration Ministries (Brazil)
- Society for Cross-Cultural Research: Cross-cultural links.
- World Bank Open Data: Free and open access to global development data.
- World Christian Resource Directory: resources for missionaries and Christians worldwide. A portal.
- World Missions Atlas Project: Includes maps, tabular data sets, and written descriptions, as well as missions progress worldwide in 237 countries.
- Youth With A Mission
Music, Religious (Multicultural)
New Testament Research
- Associations of Christian Librarians: a LibGuide (online library guide) with a list of links relevant to New Testament studies.
- Center for the Study of New Testament Manuscripts
- Comprehensive Aramaic Lexicon Project
- Early Christian Writings: New Testament, Apocrypha, Gnostics, Church Fathers
- Five Gospel Parallels (John W. Marshall. University of Toronto)
- IVP New Testament Commentaries
- Johannine Literature Web: Resources for the Study of the Fourth Gospel and the Letters of John
- Reference Charts for Textual Criticism (Roy E. Ciampa)
- Resources for New Testament Exegesis (Roy C. Ciampa, Ph.D., Godon-Conwell)
- Synoptic Gospels Primer: Parallel Texts in Matthew, Mark & Luke
- Textual Criticism of the Greek New Testament (Dr. Michael D. Marlowe)
- Use of Scripture in Early Judaism and the NewTestament
- Vine’s Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words
- Word Pictures in the New Testament
- Virtual World Project
Old Testament Research (See also “Judaism”)
- Association of Christian Librarians: a LibGuide (online library guide) with a list of resources relevant to Old Testament study.
- The Complete Dead Sea Scrolls in English
- Hebrew Text of the Old Testament
- Virtual World Project
Patristics (See also: “Church Fathers: Patristics”)
- Bibliographic Information Base in Patristics (BIBP) (René-Michel Roberge)
- Internet Medieval Sourcebook (Fordham University)
- North American Patristics Society. Click “Resources” to see Encyclopedias; Early Christian Texts; Early Christian Authors; Oriental Christianity; Societies and Institutes; Other Resources and Guides; Teaching Early Christian Studies.
- Patristic Texts
- Patristic Theology (Historical theology)
- Asian Journal of Pentecostal Studies (Asia Pacific Theological Seminary) 1998-date.
- Cyberjournal for Pentecostal-Charismatic Research Available online: Directory of Open Access Journals and ATLA Religion Database, 1997- l
- Dixon Pentecostal Research Center (Church of God, Cleveland, TN)
- Flower Pentecostal Heritage Center – While it “Focuses mainly on the history of the Assemblies of God. Collections include headquarters (U.S. Assemblies of God) documents, correspondence, published and unpublished histories, etc. (including oral histories), it also has memorabilia, and materials from other Pentecostal groups.”
- Online Pentecostal Academic Journals
- Pentecostal-Charismatic Theological Inquiry International – “Online newsletters and publications, links to seminaries worldwide, academic societies, and scholarly research.” A Portal.
- Pentecostal Education: “A journal of the World Alliance for Pentecostal Theological Education.”
- Pentecostal Research Centers. A Portal.
- PneumAfrica Journal: “The online journal of African Pentecostal Christianity.”
- Pneuma Foundation ( – “Resources for Spirit-empowered ministry.”
- Pneuma Review: “a journal of ministry resources and theology for pentecostal and charismatic ministries and leaders”.
- World Directory of Pentecostal Publications. A Portal.
Philosophy (See also, “Faith and Philosophy: Journal of the Society of Christian Philosophers” in the Journals section)
- Alex Catalogue of Electronic Texts. It includes thousands of Western philosophy books.
- Ask Philosophers. Online access to philosophers who will answer questions.
- Basics of Philosophy: a huge subject broken down into manageable chunks “By movement or school; General; By Branch or Doctrine; By Historical Period; By Individual Philosopher.”
- Dictionary of Philosophical Terms and Names (Garth Kemerling)
- Early Modern Philosophy Texts
- Epicurus and Epicurean Philosophy Epicurean texts and Epicureanism.
- Film Philosophy
- Gnosis Archive
- Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy
- Western Philosophical Inquiry (Cup of Nirvana: Philosophical and Contemplative Explorations) A portal.
- Lapidarium Notes: Timeline of Major Western Philosophers and some Related Persons and Events(Amira Skomorowska)
- Noesis: Philosophical Research On-line
- Philosophy (Voice of the Shuttle, Alan Liu). A portal
- Philosophy Pages (Garth Kemerling). “…helpful information for students of the Western philosophical tradition.” (Dictionary; History; Timeline; Discussion of Major Philosophers; Logic; Study Guide; Other Links.Philosophy Papers: Online Research about Philosophy
- Sacred Texts and Religion: Western Philosophers
- Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
- Timeline of Western Philosophers
- Virtual Religion Index: Philosophy and Theology (Rutgers University). A Portal.
- Women Philosophers
- Women Philosophers of Ancient Times. Arranged by first names.
- Postmodernism: Research resources for Christianity’s relevancy in today’s culture. A portal.
- What Is The Emerging/Emergent Church Movement?
- What Is Post-modernism?
- Bunyan, John. Prayer. Go to and click Texts. Make a search for author and title. Pick a book to read or download.
- How to Pray (Christian Classics Ethereal Library) There were 15,000+ hits when a search was made for “How to Pray.”
- Intercessory Prayer ( 9,650+ books and journals may be read online in Full View Only when a search is made for “intercessory prayer” including the quotation marks.When an Advanced Search is made and limited to those words being in a Title search, 5 sources are listed. Limiters are in the left ribbon.
- Intercessory Prayer (Path2Prayer) A portal.
- Moody, Dwight Lyman Prevailing Prayer: What hinders It?
- Murray, Andrew. Abide in Christ
- Murray, Andrew. Prayer Life
- Murray, Andrew. With Christ in the School of Prayer (31 day study)
- Pierson, Arthur T. George Mueller of Bristoland His Witness to a Prayer Hearing God
- Spurgeon, Charles Haddon Secret Power in Prayer
- Tozer, A. W. Pursuit of God
- Whyte, Alexander. Lord,Teach Us to Pray: Sermons on Prayer
Puritan Writings
- The Center for Biblical Unity: a “Christian voice on issues related to race, justice, unity, and the impact of the Critical Social Theories coming into the church and society”.
- Best Free Reference Websites and Apps (Library Journal): this list from a trusted librarian source has useful reference sources for a variety of needs.
- Best Reference Sites Online (Wendy Boswell)
- search over 100 encyclopedias and dictionaries
- RefDesk: Fact Checker for the Internet: Virtual Reference
Reference Works Online
- Baker’s Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology
- Catholic Encyclopedia (1914)
- Centennial Encyclopedia of the African Methodist Episcopal Church (African American)
- Christian Cyclopedia (Leuker) (Lutheran)
- Dictionary of African Christian Biography (Christians in Africa)
- Dictionary of the History of Ideas (Online Books Page. University of Pennsylvania Library)
- Easton’s Bible Dictionary
- Encyclopedia Judaica (1971). Download only. See also Jewish Encyclopedia below.
- Encyclopedia Iranica (Columbia University) “Study of Iranian in the Middle East, the Caucasus, Central Asia and the Indian Subcontinent.”
- Encyclopedia Mythica
- Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics, by James Hastings. 1908-1922-1926.Volumes may be read or downloaded at (search in Texts)
- Encyclopedia of Religion and Society (Swatos, Jr.)
- Generation Word’s Online Study Tools and Library
- Global Anabaptist Mennonite Encyclopedia Online (Annabaptist / Mennonite)
- Hitchcock’s Bible Names Dictionary
- Holman Bible Dictionary
- International Standard Bible Encyclopedia
- Interdisciplinary Encyclopedia of Religion and Science (Roman Catholic)
- Jewish Encyclopedia (1901-1906) (See also Encyclopaedia Judaica above)
- Loeb Classical Library: the public domain editions of the library can be found at this link. The Loeb Classical Library describes itself as “ancient masterworks” and “our entire classical heritage”, with everything from lyrical poetry and satire to history, philosophy, medical writers, mathematicians, and Church fathers.
- New Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge: Multi-volume set. Pick volume of text or index.
- News Navigator (millions of historic newspapers)
- News: Chronicling America (historical newspapers)
- Online Language Dictionaries:
- Religion (Oxford Research Encyclopedias)
- Smith’s Bible Dictionary
Reformation and Post-Reformation
- Counter Reformation (History Learning Site). CUS – UK
- Early Modern Europe (Hanover College Department of History). Hanover Historical Texts Project
- Junius Institute for DigitalReformation Research (Calvin Theological Seminary)
- Post-Reformation Digital Library (H. Henry Meeter Center for Calvin Studies of Calvin College and Calvin Theological Seminary.) It offers “… theology and philosophy during the Reformation and Post-Reformation/Early Modern Era (late 15th-18th c.). Late medieval and patristic works printed and referenced in the early modern era are also included.”
- Reformation: the author of this blog post gives us a great bibliography for reading about the Reformation.
- Reformation: A portal.
- For full text books on Reformation and Counter-Reformation, go to and make searches for READ ONLY books. Researchers may also search and download full text books covering the subjects at >Texts and then search.
- American Academy of Religion
- American Methodism Project (
- BASE: “… is one of the world’s most voluminous search engines especially for academic open access web resources.”
- Bible Maps
- Biographical Dictionary of Chinese Christianity
- Christian Denomination (Wikipedia)
- Digital Quaker Collection (Earlham School of Religion) It contains “…full text and page images of over 500 individual Quaker works from the 17th and 18th centuries.”
- Hartford Institute for Religious Research
- HathiTrust Digital Library
- Internet Resources for the Study of Judaism and Christianity (Jay C. Treat, University of Pennsylvania)
- Native American Religions
- Religion Facts: Just the facts on religion: Especially note its Comparison Charts comparing two or more religions.
- Religion: Fathers of the Church
- Full texts by recognized religious scholars. “More than 6,000 articles and chapters. Topics include Old and New Testament, Theology, Ethics, History and Sociology of Religion, Communication and Cultural Studies, Pastoral Care, Counseling, Homiletics, Worship, Missions and Religious Education.”
- Religious Landscape Study (Pew Forum)
- Religious Movements Homepage Project (University of Virginia) (Jeff Haddon & Douglas E. Cowan) “…detailed profiles of more than two hundred different religious groups and movements.”
Religious Education (Christian)
- The Bible Project
- The Gospel Project
- Group: Life-Changing Ideas for Churches
- Sunday School Lessons (Steve Armstrong)
Rome, Ancient
- Loeb Classical Library: the public domain editions of the library can be found at this link. The Loeb Classical Library describes itself as “ancient masterworks” and “our entire classical heritage”, with everything from lyrical poetry and satire to history, philosophy, medical writers, mathematicians, and Church fathers.
- Rome (Best of History Websites) A portal.
- Saints and Angels (Catholic Online)
Science and Christianity
- Answers in Genesis
- Counterbalance. “…offering new views on complex issues from science, ethics, philosophy, and religion. ”
- Genesis Science Network
- Institute for Creation Research
Sociology/Social Work
- North American Association of Christians in Social Work
- Social Science Data Resources
- Social Work Web Links. A portal.
Spanish Language Bible/Religion Resources
- Biblia Paralela. Online Spanish Bibles
- Spanish Language online resources: An online source, Libreria Cristiana Teologica Virtual, (An Online Referral Services Library Project Sponsored by Northwestern Theological Seminary.) is provided by The NTSLibrary
- Spanish Language aids. Click “En Español” in the bottom ribbon to see the aids in Spanish.
- Resources for Syriac Studies. A portal.
- Syriac Studies Reference Library (Brigham Young and Catholic University of America)
- Syriaca. (Vanderbilt UniversityJ)
- Arminius: Works of James Arminius
- Baker’s Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology
- Calvinism
- Computer-Assisted Theology. (Humbul edition) (UK). Includes non-Christian theologies.
- Got Questions: Your Questions, Biblical Answers
- Index Theologicus (University of Tubingen). “IxTheo is a comprehensive bibliography for theology and religious studies. It is updated every night…” It has an Advanced Search.
- Online Christian Library of Virtual Theological Resources: A Leading Worldwide Christian Internet Community Learning Resource
- Pentecostal-Charismatic Theological Inquiry International.”… global database which is designed for research specialists–graduate students (Th.D. and Ph.D.), professors and independent research scholars with accredited, terminal degrees.” Must join to access full database. A portal.
- Religion Online: Full texts by recognized religious scholars. “Topics include Old and New Testament, Theology, Ethics, History and Sociology of Religion, Communication and Cultural Studies, Pastoral Care, Counseling, Homiletics, Worship, Missions and Religious Education.” Society for Pentecostal Studies: an international community of scholars working within the
- Pentecostal and Charismatic traditions
- Systematic Theology StudyHelps
- Theological Journals Search. “A Google custom search engine that searches over 350 open-access theological journals.”
- Theological Studies (UK)
- Theology (Michael Fraser). A portal.
- Virtual Religion Index: Philosophy and Theology (Rutgers University). A portal.
World Religions
- Baha’I Faith: the website of the worldwide Baha’i community
- Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics (James Hastings, et al.) 13 volumes. Use its very detailed index for specific articles)
- Native American Religions
- Native American Rituals and Ceremonies
- Sacred Texts and Religion. Scroll down their list of non-Christian religious groups, etc.
World Religions – Asian
- Buddhist Digital Library & Museum
- Buddhist Studies: WWW Virtual Library
- Cao Dai
- Caodaism (“Kingdom of Heaven”)
- Hinduism: a Christian Perspective
- Sacred Texts and Religion: Asian Traditional Texts (non-Christian) ; see also its links to major religions: Buddhism ConfucianismHinduism Shamanism Taoism
- Shinto
- Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics (James Hastings, et al.) Use its very detailed index for specific articles.
- Sacred Texts and Religion: Shinto
- Sikhism
- Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics (James Hastings, et al.). Use its very detailed index for specific articles.
- Sacred Texts and Religion: Sikhism
- Taoism
- Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics (James Hastings, et al.). Use its very detailed index for specific articles.
- Sacred Texts and Religion: Taoism
- Vedic Encyclopedia (Hindu)
World Religions – Cults
- Classification of Religious Movements
- Cultish: seeks to “provide free resources for those seeking information on non-Christian cults and the occult.”
World Religions – Islam (DISCLAIMER: These offer a variety of opinions and each should be checked against known authorities both for Islamic and Christian resources.)
- Ahlul Bayt Digital Islamic Library Project
- Answering Islam: Christian Web Sites interacting with Islam. A portal.
- Arabic Papyrology Database
- COMMA: A Coalition of Ministries to Muslims in North America
- Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics (James Hastings, et al.) Go to Click Texts and search for title. You may download the volume. Use its very detailed index for specific articles.
- Global Initiative: Reaching Muslim Peoples
- IslamaCity: Islamic texts, teaching, and news.
- Mosab Hassan Yousef: son of the founder of Hamas, now a Christian speaker.
- Mystical and Popular Islam
- Nabeel Qureshi: former muslim turned Christian apologist.
- Nabeel Qureshi‘s widow, Michelle Qureshi Wilson has a YouTube channel with free content supporting his work in Christian apologetics and Christian/Muslim relations and evangelism.
- Progressive and Liberative Islam
- Sacred Texts and Religion: Islam
- Shi’ite Encyclopedia
- Virtual Religion Index: Islamic Studies: Rutgers University, a portal.
World Religions – Mormon Church (The Church of Jesus Christ of Later-day Saints)
- The Mormon Multiverse (Cultish podcast)
- Mormonism, Temple Marriage, and Life Beyond the Veil (Cultish podcast)
- Sacred Texts and Religion: Mormon Church sacred texts: Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenant, Pearl of Great Price:
Other Free Stuff
- ArchiveGrid: historical archives from throughout the world.
- Art: Artcyclopedia and Art History Resources on the Web will help you search for works of art by artist, title, museum or genre. Additionally, New York’s Metropolitan Museum of Art has released 375,000 digital images to the public via Creative Commons. You can search for them here.
- Atlapedia Online: full color physical and political maps, along with country facts and statistics.
- CareerOneStop: career exploration, training, and jobs.
- Economics in One Lesson: this book by Henry Hazlitt is a classic, easy to read primer on the principles of economics.
- Free Images: Creative Commons is a place to find images and media you can legally use and share online.
- Google Scholar: Google’s search engine with filtered results to (hopefully) give you results that are scholarly in nature. Better than just doing a simple Google search.
- Internet Archive “attempting to archive everything on the Internet.”
- Local Public Library: unknown to many, your local public library probably has a lot of online resources for research. All you need is a library card to access! (These can be obtained for free, by going in person to your local library.) Check out what is available at the Pleasanton City Library, for example.
- Medical Books and Databases: a categorical list of free medical books and databases by subject.
- Research Outreach: RO states that they “distil complex research into professional and easily understood text, imagery and video. We share this content around the world with no payment required to access, download or share.” Emphasis on science, technology, health and education.
- Subject Tracers: these subject lists, although not aggregated by a specific academic organization, can be helpful when navigating the Web for content on a broad subject. Think of it as a “jumping off point” for your initial search on the Web. As always, make sure you can cite your sources. For more information, see the tab labeled “Can I Trust This?” on the VRC webpage.