
online library resources

We all love the word “free”

And there are some really awesome, dedicated people who work to provide quality information for public access. The trick is knowing where to look. 
Here are some places where you may find just what you need to complete that paper, sermon, or book.

Remember, these are free resources. Although these have been lightly combed through by a couple librarians, still use your critical thinking skills! For more information on how to do this, see the “Research & Writing Help” and “Can I Trust This?” pages of the NCBC Student Resources Blog.

Special thanks to Mr. Murl Winters, Evangel University Library Emeritus, for compiling a majority of this list (with the help of various colleges and universities throughout the U.S. and beyond).

Since this list is extensive, please report any broken or incorrect links to the NCBC librarian for correction. This help is greatly appreciated!

Biblical Texts and Study Tools (See Also, “Exegesis” Below)

Online Portals and LibGuides



  • A great place to start: Wikipedia’s List of Academic Databases and Search Engines, which also indicates the type of information covered, and which databases and search engines are free.
  • Go here for a good list of theological journals
  • Check out this Wikipedia list of Open Access (free) journals
  • Acta Theologica: Acta Theologica is a scholarly journal publishing articles in any applicable fields of scholarship within theology and religion.
  • De Gruyter Open Access: over 100 e-books and over 430 scholarly journals across disciplines of study. Filter your search results by “open access” to see free content.
  • Faith and Philosophy: Journal of the Society of Christian Philosophers: “Faith and Philosophy is the journal of the Society of Christian Philosophers. It is provided by open-access by SCP so that the best of contemporary Christian philosophy and philosophy of religion is available to all.”
  • Great Commission Research Journal: focuses on research relevant to the Great Commission, drawing form multiple disciplines.
  • HTS Teologiese Studies/Theological Studies: an influential and frequently cited accredited peer reviewed journal that promotes multidisciplinary, religious, and biblical aspects of studies in the international arena.
  • JURN: a search tool that helps you find articles (and books) from selected university repositories in the areas of arts, humanities, biomedical, business, law, and the natural world.
  • Journal of Biblical Counseling
  • The Journal of Inductive Biblical Studies: focusing on a hermeneutical approach to biblical studies.
  • Listing of Open Access Databases: “The objective…is to create a web-enabled, linked, classified and categorized collection of Open Access Databases which one can access from a single portal. Although initial focus is on science and technology subjects, the ultimate aim is to include all subject areas.”
  • Online Pentecostal Academic Journals
  • Paperity: an online aggregator of open access (free) journals, across several disciplines of study.
  • Pentecostal Education: “A journal of the World Alliance for Pentecostal Theological Education.”
  • PneumAfrica Journal: “The online journal of African Pentecostal Christianity.”
  • Pneuma Review: “a journal of ministry resources and theology for pentecostal and charismatic ministries and leaders”.
  • The WATS Journal: an online journal from West Africa Theological Seminary.
  • Predatory Journals – a predatory journal is defined as pushing self interest at the cost of good scholarship. Learn more about them here:

Opposing Viewpoints

  • is nonpartisan, academic platform for finding opposing viewpoints on current and hot topics, created with advisory boards and using an editorial process. It is a great free resource for finding information when writing opinion or persuasive essays.
  • ProCon by Encyclopedia Britannica: nonpartisan, well researched and well organized by subject. From a trusted published source.

Research, data and statistics


Online Libraries and Special Collections 


    E-books and Databases (Academic)

    • Directory of Open Access Books: “The directory is open to all publishers who publish academic, peer reviewed books in Open Access and should contain as many books as possible, provided these publications are in Open Access and meet academic standards”
    • Listing of Open Access Databases: “the objective of Listing of Open Access DataBases (LOADB) is to create a web-enabled, linked, classified, and categorized collection of Open Access Databases which one can access from a single portal. Although initial focus is on science and technology subjects, the ultimate aim is to include all subject areas.”


    Academic Search Engines

    • BASE (Bielefeld Academic Search Engine): “BASE is one of the world’s most voluminous search engines especially for academic web resources. BASE provides more than 140 million documents from more than 6,000 sources. You can access the full texts of about 60% of the indexed documents for free (Open Access).”
    • CORE: “The world’s largest collection of open access research papers.”
    • Google Dataset Search and Google Scholar
    • Internet Archive Scholar: “This full text search index includes over 25 million research article and other scholarly documents preserved in the Internet Archive. The collection spans from digitized copies of eighteenth century journals through the latest Open Access conference proceedings and pre-prints crawled from the World Wide Web.”
    • Theological Journals Search:”This Google custom search engine allows you to find full-text articles in hundreds of religious, open-access online journals and other periodicals.”
    • Wikipedia list of Open Access databases and search engines


    Free Images and Designs

    • Canva: a free resource for creating professional quality designs
    • Creative Commons: open access images and media, free for public use.

    Resources in Spanish, Math, Business, History, and Science

    Resources in Spanish (Estudios Español)
    • Estudios Español: textbooks, journals, biblical studies and more resources for Spanish speakers can be found at this portal. 
    Business Resources
    Math Resources
    • Khan Academy: probably one of the most popular go-to sites for math education, preK – college level. Much of it is free. 
    • INASP: International Network for the Availability of Scientific Publications – scroll down for the math sections. 
    • WolframAlpha: a computational knowledge and answer engine, created on a platform with calculation, visualization, and statistic capabilities. 
    • “2,086.431 scholarly articles in the fields of physics, mathematics, computer science, quantitative biology, quantitative finance, statistics, electrical engineering and systems science, and economics. Materials on this site are not peer-reviewed by arXiv.”

    History Resources (See Also Biblical Archeology, Biblical Backgrounds and History, Church Fathers, Church History, Dead Sea Scrolls, Egypt, Greece, Mesopotamia,  Middle East, Josephus, Reformation and Post Reformation, and Rome sections below)

    Science Resources 

    Random Resources

    • Acronym Finder: find out what an acronym, abbreviation, or initials stands for. 
    • Canva: design visually appealing newsletters, flyers, posters and more. 
    • search for laws, bills, and more. 
    • Database List: Open Access and Freely Available Resources: compiled by the University of Minnesota Duluth library. 
    • DuckDuckGo: tired of Google spying on your web searches? DuckDuckGo can help! 
    • FindLaw: help for legal needs.
    • FindSounds: this is exactly what it “sounds” like! Find almost any sound.
    • Free Sheet Music
    • Google Books Ngram Viewer: Don’t know what Ngram is? Read about it here.
    • GovInfo: US government information. 
    • HookSounds: royalty free music you can use in a variety of ways.
    • Open Clip Art: clip art that is free to use for flyers, invites, etc. 
    • OpenGrey: a custom search of “grey” literature in Europe. (Some examples of grey literature are technical or research reports, doctoral dissertations, conference papers and official publications. See also:
    • Openly Licensed Images: don’t post copyrighted images in your work! Don’t steal the creative work of others! Instead, search here for free, openly licensed images! (FYI, all the images used in this blog were found this way.)
    • Piktochart: AI generated picture graphics.  
    • everything you need to know for international travel as a US citizen. 
    • a government website that helps make government services easier to find. 

    Biblically Related Topics


    Biblical Archeology

    Biblical Backgrounds and History

    • New Advent: Catholic news, The Catholic Encyclopedia, Summa Theologaie, and more.
    Charismatic/Pentecostal Resources (See Also, “Pentecostalism”)


    Church and Culture

    Church Denominations

    Church Fathers

    Church Fathers – Patristics (See Also “Patristics” Below)

    Church History 

    Church History – American Indian

    Church History – Irish

    Church History – Medieval

    Church History – Primitive and Early Church

    Counseling Associations (See also, “Ministry – Counseling and Pastoral Counseling”)


    Dead Sea Scrolls


    Egypt, Ancient


    Exegesis (See Also: “Biblical Texts and Study Tools”)

    Fact Checkers



    Greece, Ancient

    Greek Orthodox Church


    Islam – see World Religions, Islam



    Latin, Classical



    Middle East (See also, “Egypt, Ancient” and “Mesopotamia”)

    Ministry – Campus

    Ministry – Child Evangelism

    • ERIC: from the Institute of Educational Sciences. Can be helpful for teachers of children when crafting curriculums or researching teaching methods.

    Ministry – Church Growth and Health

    Ministry – Counseling and Pastoral Counseling (See Also: “Counseling Associations”)

    Ministry – Evangelism 

    Ministry – Music 

    Ministry – Pastoring and Sermon Preparation

    Ministry – Youth


    Music, Religious (Multicultural)

    New Testament Research

    Old Testament Research (See also “Judaism”)

      Patristics (See also: “Church Fathers: Patristics”)


      The following sources were compiled by Russ Langford, Global University. 

      Philosophy (See also, “Faith and Philosophy: Journal of the Society of Christian Philosophers” in the Journals section) 



      Puritan Writings

      Race Relations, Biblical
      • The Center for Biblical Unity: a “Christian voice on issues related to race, justice, unity, and the impact of the Critical Social Theories coming into the church and society”.


      Reference Works Online 

      Reformation and Post-Reformation


      Religious Education (Christian)

      Rome, Ancient 

      • Loeb Classical Library: the public domain editions of the library can be found at this link. The Loeb Classical Library describes itself as “ancient masterworks” and “our entire classical heritage”, with everything from lyrical poetry and satire to history, philosophy, medical writers, mathematicians, and Church fathers. 
      • Rome (Best of History Websites) A portal.


      Science and Christianity

      Sociology/Social Work 

      Spanish Language Bible/Religion Resources

      • Biblia Paralela. Online Spanish Bibles
      • Spanish Language online resources: An online source, Libreria Cristiana Teologica Virtual, (An Online Referral Services Library Project Sponsored by Northwestern Theological Seminary.) is provided by The NTSLibrary
      • Spanish Language aids. Click “En Español” in the bottom ribbon to see the aids in Spanish.




        World Religions

        World Religions – Asian

        World Religions – Cults

        World Religions – Islam (DISCLAIMER: These offer a variety of opinions and each should be checked against known authorities both for Islamic and Christian resources.)

        World Religions – Mormon Church (The Church of Jesus Christ of Later-day Saints)

        Other Free Stuff

          • ArchiveGrid: historical archives from throughout the world.
          • Art: Artcyclopedia and Art History Resources on the Web will help you search for works of art by artist, title, museum or genre. Additionally, New York’s Metropolitan Museum of Art has released 375,000 digital images to the public via Creative Commons. You can search for them here.
          • Atlapedia Online: full color physical and political maps, along with country facts and statistics.
          • CareerOneStop: career exploration, training, and jobs.
          • Economics in One Lesson: this book by Henry Hazlitt is a classic, easy to read primer on the principles of economics.
          • Free Images: Creative Commons is a place to find images and media you can legally use and share online.
          • Google Scholar: Google’s search engine with filtered results to (hopefully) give you results that are scholarly in nature. Better than just doing a simple Google search.
          • Internet Archive “attempting to archive everything on the Internet.”
          • Local Public Library: unknown to many, your local public library probably has a lot of online resources for research. All you need is a library card to access! (These can be obtained for free, by going in person to your local library.) Check out what is available at the Pleasanton City Library, for example.
          • Medical Books and Databases: a categorical list of free medical books and databases by subject.
          • Research Outreach: RO states that they “distil complex research into professional and easily understood text, imagery and video. We share this content around the world with no payment required to access, download or share.” Emphasis on science, technology, health and education.
          • Subject Tracers: these subject lists, although not aggregated by a specific academic organization, can be helpful when navigating the Web for content on a broad subject. Think of it as a “jumping off point” for your initial search on the Web. As always, make sure you can cite your sources. For more information, see the tab labeled “Can I Trust This?” on the VRC webpage.