ProQuest Ebook Library
All students have access to the ProQuest Library. This e-book library has over 20,000 religious titles available. Commentaries, Encyclopedias, Dictionaries, and Lexicons are all necessary parts of graduate-level work and research. Here is a great list by our Librarian about the resources available at Proquest.
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Commentaries & Reference books
One of ProQuest’s best collections is commentaries. The Librarian has compiled a list of the best modern commentaries in ProQuest. These are most likely your best resource for online scholarly research.
Please remember that many theological scholars hold different views (e.g. Liberal, Reformed, Pentecostal…). You will need to be discerning as you read and research.
Online Commentaries (not on ProQuest)
General Theological Resources
- Barton, John; Muddiman, John. The Oxford Bible Commentary. Oxford University Press, Incorporated, 2013.
- McFarland, Ian A., Fergusson, David A. S., Kilby, Karen, Torrance, Iain R., and Torrance, Iain R, eds. The Cambridge Dictionary of Christian Theology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011.
- Bauer, David R. Essential Bible Study Tools for Ministry. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 2014.
- Curtis, Adrian. Oxford Bible Atlas. Oxford: Oxford University Press, Incorporated, 2009.
- Brownrigg, Ronald, and Brownrigg, Ronald. Who’s Who in the New Testament. Florence: Taylor & Francis Group, 1993.
New Testament
- Stott, John; Motyer, Stephen. Basic Introduction to the New Testament. William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2017
- Ferguson, Everett, ed. Encyclopedia of Early Christianity. Oxford: Taylor & Francis Group, 1990.
- Knowles, Andrew. The Bible Guide – New Testament. La Vergne: Lion Hudson PLC, 2020.
- Kostenberger, Andreas J.; Kellum, L. Scott and more. The Cradle, the Cross, and the Crown: An Introduction to the New Testament. B&H Publishing Group, 2016
- McLean, Bradley H., ed. Origins and Method–Towards a New Understanding of Judaism and Christianity: Essays in Honour of John C. Hurd. London: Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 1993.
- Rowland, Christopher, Fletcher-Louis, Crispin H., and Fletcher-Louis, Crispin H. T., eds. Understanding, Studying and Reading: New Testament Essays in Honour of John Ashton. London: Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 1998.
- Garber, Zev, ed. The Jewish Jesus: Revelation, Reflection, Reclamation. West Lafayette, IN: Purdue University Press, 2011.
- Porter, Stanley E., and Olbricht, Thomas H., eds. Rhetoric and the New Testament: Essays from the 1992 Heidelberg Conference. London: Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 1993.
- Walters, Patricia, ed. From Judaism to Christianity: Tradition and Transition: A Festschrift for Thomas H. Tobin, S. J. , on the Occasion of His Sixty-Fifth Birthday. Boston: BRILL, 2010.
- Murray, Michele. Playing a Jewish Game: Gentile Christian Judaizing in the First and Second Centuries Ce. Waterloo, ON: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 2004.
- Runesson, Anders, Binder, Donald, and Olsson, Birger. The Ancient Synagogue from Its Origins to 200 C. E.: A Source Book. Boston: BRILL, 2007.
- Esler, Philip F. The First Christians in Their Social Worlds: Social-Scientific Approaches to New Testament Interpretation. Oxford: Taylor & Francis Group, 1994.
- Moyise, Steve, and Menken, Maarten J. J., eds. The Psalms in the New Testament. London: Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 2004.
- Nygaard, Mathias. Prayer in the Gospels: A Theological Exegesis of the Ideal Pray-Er. Boston: BRILL, 2012.
Old Testament
- Nelson, Richard D. Historical Roots of the Old Testament (1200-63 BCE). Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2014.
- Moyise, Steve, ed. The Old Testament in the New Testament: Essays in Honour of J. L. North. London: Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 2000.
- Herbert, Edward D., and Tov, Emanuel, eds. Hebrew Bible and the Judaean Desert Discoveries. London: British Library, 2002.
- Strawn, Brent A., and Bowen, Nancy R., eds. A God So Near: Essays on Old Testament Theology in Honor of Patrick D. Miller. University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State University Press, 2003.
Greek / Hebrew
- Porter, Stanley E., and Hess, Richard S., eds. Translating the Bible. London: Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 2005.
- Danove, Paul L. A Grammatical and Exegetical Study of New Testament Verbs of Transference: A Case Frame Guide to Interpretation and Translation, Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 2009.
- Bons, Eberhard, Joosten, Jan, and Hunziker-Rodewald, Regine, eds. Biblical Lexicology: Hebrew and Greek: Semantics – Exegesis – Translation. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter, Inc., 2015.
- Porter, Stanley E., and Carson, D. A., eds. Linguistics and the New Testament: Critical Junctures. London: Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 1999
- Shepherd, Michael Brian. Textuality and the Bible. Eugene: Wipf and Stock Publishers, 2016.
- Daley, S. C. The Textual Basis of English Translations of the Hebrew Bible. Boston: BRILL, 2019.
Systematic Theology
- Thiselton, Anthony C. Systematic Theology. Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 2015.
- Jenson, Robert W. Systematic Theology, Volume 1: Volume 1: The Triune God. Cary: Oxford University Press, 1997.
- Jenson, Robert W. Systematic Theology: Volume 2: the Works of God. Oxford: Oxford University Press, Incorporated, 1999.
- Lamport, Mark A., ed. Encyclopedia of Martin Luther and the Reformation. Blue Ridge Summit: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Incorporated, 2017.
Commentaries for Matthew
- Case-Winters, Anna. Mathew: A Theological Commentary on the Bible. Westminster John Knox Press, 2015
- Jarvis, Cynthia A; Johnson, E. Elizabeth. Feasting on the Gospels—Matthew Vol 1 and 2: A Feasting on The Word Commentary. Westminster John Knox Press, 2013
- Hatina, Thomas R. Biblical Interpretation in Early Christian Gospels: Volume 2: the Gospel of Matthew. Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 2008
- Donaldson, Terence. Jesus on the Mountain: A Study in Matthew: Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 1987
- Jackson, Glenna. Have Mercy on Me: The Story of the Canaanite Woman in Matthew 15:21-28. Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 2002
- Green, Joel B,; Brown, Prof. Jeannine K. and more. Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels. Intervarsity Press, 2013
- Garber, Zev, ed. The Jewish Jesus: Revelation, Reflection, Reclamation. West Lafayette, IN: Purdue University Press, 2011.
Commentaries for Mark
- Boring, M. Eugene. Mark: A Commentary. Westminster John Knox Press, 2012
- van Iersel, Bas M. Mark: A Reader-Response Commentary. Bloomsbury Publishing Plc 1998.
- Telford, W. R. The Theology of the Gospel of Mark. Cambridge University Press, 1999.
- Hutchinson, Orion N. Genesis to Revelation: Mark Participant Book: A Comprehensive Verse-By-Verse Exploration of the Bible. Abingdon Press, 2018
- Green, Joel B,; Brown, Prof. Jeannine K. and more. Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels. Intervarsity Press, 2013
- Garber, Zev, ed. The Jewish Jesus: Revelation, Reflection, Reclamation. West Lafayette, IN: Purdue University Press, 2011.
- Carey, Holly J. Jesus’ Cry from the Cross: Towards a First-Century Understanding of the Intertextual Relationship Between Psalm 22 and the Narrative of Mark’s Gospel. London: Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 2009.
Commentaries for Luke
- Carroll, John T. Luke: A Commentary. Westminster John Knox Press, 2012
- Kreitzer, Beth. Luke: New Testament Volume 3. InterVarsity Press, 2015
- Karris, Robert J.; Ventrice, Cindy J. Commentary of the Gospel of Luke: Chapters 1-8. Franciscan Institute Publications, 2001.
- Karris, Robert J. Commentary on the Gospel of Luke: Chapters 17-24. Franciscan Institute Publications, 2003.
- Wolter, Michael, et. all. The Gospel According to Luke: Volumes I and II. Baylor University Press, 2016 & 2017
- Weaver, Horace R. Genesis to Revelation: Luke Participant Book: A Comprehensive Verse-By-Verse Exploration of the Bible. Abingdon Press, 2018
- Green, Joel B,; Brown, Prof. Jeannine K. and more. Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels. Intervarsity Press, 2013
- Garber, Zev, ed. The Jewish Jesus: Revelation, Reflection, Reclamation. West Lafayette, IN: Purdue University Press, 2011.
Commentaries for John
- Thompson, Marianne Meye. John; A Commentary. Westminster John Knox Press, 2015.
- Farmer, Craig S. John 1-12: New Testament Volume 4. InterVarsity Press, 2014.
- Lincoln, Andrew. Gospel According to St. John: Black’s New Testament Commentaries. Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 2006.
- Origen; Heine, Ronald E. Commentary on the Gospel of John, Books 1-10. Catholic University of America Press, 1989.
- Origen; Heine, Ronald E. Commentary on the Gospel of John, Books 13-32. Catholic University of America Press, 1993.
- Weaver, Horace R. Genesis to Revelations: John Participant Book: A Comprehensive Verse-By-Verse Exploration of the Bible. Abingdon Press, 2017.
- Green, Joel B,; Brown, Prof. Jeannine K. and more. Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels. Intervarsity Press, 2013
- Kobel, Esther. Dining with John: Communal Meals and Identity Formation in the Fourth Gospel and Its Historical and Cultural Context. Boston: BRILL, 2011.
Commentaries for Acts
- Jennings, Willie James. Acts: A Theological Commentary on the Bible. Westminster John Knox Press, 2017.
- Barrett, C. K. Acts of the Apostles: A Shorter Commentary. Bloomsbury Publishing Plc., 2002.
- Chung-Kim, Esther; Hains, Todd R. Acts: New Testament Volume 6. InterVarsity Press, 2014.
- Johnson, Luke Timothy. Septuagintal Midrash in the Speeches of Acts. Milwaukee: Marquette University Press, 2001.
- Adams, Sean A. The Genre of Acts and Collected Biography. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2013.
- Strelan, Rick. Strange Acts: Studies in the Cultural World of the Acts of the Apostles. Berlin/Boston: Walter de Gruyter GmbH, 2004.
- Alexander, Loveday. Acts in Its Ancient Literary Context: A Classicist Looks at the Acts of the Apostles. London: Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 2007.
- Marguerat, Daniel. The First Christian Historian: Writing the ‘Acts of the Apostles’. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002.
- Matson, David. Household Conversion Narratives in Acts: Pattern and Interpretation. London: Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 1996.
- Estrada, Nelson P. From Followers to Leaders: The Apostles in the Ritual Status Transformation in Acts 1-2. London: Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 2004.
- Liggins, Stephen S. Many Convincing Proofs: Persuasive Phenomena Associated with Gospel Proclamation in Acts. Berlin/Boston: Walter de Gruyter GmbH, 2016.
- Shauf, Scott. Theology As History, History As Theology: Paul in Ephesus in Acts 19. Berlin/Boston: Walter de Gruyter GmbH, 2005.
- Thompson, Alan. One Lord, One People: the Unity of the Church in Acts in Its Literary Setting: The Unity of the Church in Acts in Its Literary Setting. London: Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 2013.
- Kucicki, Janusz. The Function of the Speeches in the Acts of the Apostles: A Key to Interpretation of Luke’s Use of Speeches in Acts. Boston: BRILL, 2017.
Paul’s Writings
- Porter, Stanley E. The Apostle Paul: His Life, Thought, and Letters, Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 2016.
- Porter, Stanley E., and Land, Christopher D., eds. Paul and His Social Relations. Boston: BRILL, 2012.
- Hill, Wesley. Paul and the Trinity: Persons, Relations, and the Pauline Letters. Chicago: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2015.
- Wischmeyer, Oda. Paul: Life, Setting, Work, Letters. London: Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 2012.
- Gorman, Michael J. Becoming the Gospel: Paul, Participation, and Mission. Chicago: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2015.
- Wallace, James Buchanan. Snatched into Paradise (2 Cor 12:1-10): Paul’s Heavenly Journey in the Context of Early Christian Experience. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter, Inc., 2011.
- Wansink, Craig. Chained in Christ: The Experience and Rhetoric of Paul’s Imprisonments. London: Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 1996.
- Murphy-O’Connor, Jerome. Paul: a Critical Life. Oxford: Oxford University Press, Incorporated, 1998.
- Dodd, Brian. Paul’s Paradigmatic I: Personal Example As Literary Strategy. London: Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 1999.
- Aejmelaeus, Lars, and Mustakallio, Antti, eds. The Nordic Paul: Finnish Approaches to Pauline Theology. London: Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 2008.
- Gupta, Nijay K. Worship That Makes Sense to Paul: A New Approach to the Theology and Ethics of Paul’s Cultic Metaphors. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter, Inc., 2010.
- Fant, Clyde E., and Reddish, Mitchell G. A Guide to Biblical Sites in Greece and Turkey. Oxford: Oxford University Press, Incorporated, 2003.
Commentaries for Romans
- Lancaster, Sarah Heaner. Romans: A Theological Commentary on the Bible. Westinser John Knox Press, 2015.
- Thiselton, Anthony C. Discovering Romans: Content, Interpretation, Reception. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2016.
- Jewett, Robert. Genesis to Revelation: Romans Participant Book: A Verse-By-Verse Exploration of the Bible. Abingdon Press, 2018.
- Jervis, L. Ann, and Richardson, Peter, eds. Gospel in Paul: Studies on Corinthians, Galatians and Romans for Richard N. Longenecker. London: Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 1994.
Commentaries for 1 & 2 Corinthians
- Proctor, John. First and Second Corinthians. Westminster John Knox Press, 2015.
- Grosheide, F. W. Commentary on the First Epistle to the Corinthians. William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2019.
- Malcolm, Matthew R. The World of 1 Corinthians: An Annotated Visual Literary Source-Commentary. Authentic Media, 2012.
- Seifrid, Mark A. The Second Letter to the Corinthians. Grand Rapids: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2014.
- Matera, Frank J. II Corinthians: A Commentary. Louisville: Presbyterian Publishing Corporation, 2013.
- Barrett, C. K. Second Epistle to the Corinthians. London: Bloomsbury Publishing, 2001.
- Cameron, Ron, and Miller, Merrill P. Redescribing Paul and the Corinthians. Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2011.
- Barry, John D. Cutting Ties with Darkness: 2 Corinthians. Ashland: Lexham Press, 2015.
- O’Mahony, Kieran. Pauline Persuasion: A Sounding in 2 Corinthians 8-9. London: Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 2001.
- Bieringer, Reimund, Nathan, Emmanuel, Pollefeyt, Didier, and Tomson, Peter J., eds. Second Corinthians in the Perspective of Late Second Temple Judaism. Boston: BRILL, 2014.
- Duff, Paul B. Moses in Corinth: The Apologetic Context of 2 Corinthians 3. Boston: BRILL, 2015.
- Schellenberg, Ryan S. Rethinking Paul’s Rhetorical Education: Comparative Rhetoric and 2 Corinthians. Williston: Society of Biblical Literature, 2013.
- Crafton, Jeffrey. The Agency of the Apostle: A Dramatistic Analysis of Paul’s Responses to Conflict in 2 Corinthians. London: Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 1991.
- Welborn, L. L. An End to Enmity: Paul and the Wrongdoer of Second Corinthians. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter, Inc., 2011.
- Gignilliat, Mark S. Paul and Isaiah’s Servants: Paul’s Theological Reading of Isaiah 40-66 in 2 Corinthians 5:14-6:10. London: Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 2007.
- Jervis, L. Ann, and Richardson, Peter, eds. Gospel in Paul: Studies on Corinthians, Galatians and Romans for Richard N. Longenecker. London: Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 1994.
Commentaries for Galatians
- Esler, Philip F. Galatians. Oxford: Taylor & Francis Group, 1998.
- de Boer, Martinus C. Galatians: A Commentary. La Vergne: Westminster John Knox Press, 2011.
- Bray, Gerald L., ed. Galatians, Ephesians: New Testament Volume 10. Westmont: InterVarsity Press, 2011.
- Jervis, L. Ann, and Richardson, Peter, eds. Gospel in Paul: Studies on Corinthians, Galatians and Romans for Richard N. Longenecker. London: Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 1994.
- Hong, In-Gyu. The Law in Galatians. London: Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 1993.
- Odell-Scott, David. Paul’s Critique of Theocracy: A/Theocracy in Corinthians and Galatians. London: Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 2009.
- Cummins, Stephen Anthony. Paul and the Crucified Christ in Antioch: Maccabean Martyrdom and Galatians 1 And 2. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001.
Commentaries for Ephesians
- Merkle, Benjamin L.; Kostenberger, Andreas J. and more. Ephesians. B&H Publishing Group, 2016.
- Fowl, Stephen E. Ephesians: A Commentary. Westminster John Knox Press, 2012
- Schnackenburg, Rudolf; Heron, Helen. Epistle to the Ephesians: A Commentary. Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 2001.
- Bray, Gerald L. Galatians, Ephesians: New Testament Volume 10. InterVarsity Press, 2011.
Commentaries for Philippians
- Hellerman, Joseph H. Philippians. Nashville: B&H Publishing Group, 2015.
- Johnson, Dennis E. Philippians. Phillipsburg, NJ: P & R Publishing, 2013.
- Bloomquist, L. Gregory. The Function of Suffering in Philippians. London: Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 1992.
- Cousar, Charles B. Philippians and Philemon (2009): A Commentary. Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox Press, 2009.
- Craddock, Fred B. Philippians: Interpretation: a Bible Commentary for Teaching and Preaching. Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox Press, 2011.
- Holloway, Paul A. Consolation in Philippians: Philosophical Sources and Rhetorical Strategy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001.
- Heil, John Paul. Philippians: Let Us Rejoice in Being Conformed to Christ. Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2010.
- Smith, James A. Marks of an Apostle: Deconstruction, Philippians, and Problematizing Pauline Theology. Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2005.
- Reumann, John. Philippians A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary, Yale University Press, 2008.
- Williams, Demetrius. Enemies of the Cross of Christ: The Terminology of the Cross and Conflict in Philippians. London: Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 2002.
- Reed, Jeffrey. A Discourse Analysis of Philippians: Method and Rhetoric in the Debate over Literary Integrity. London: Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 1997.
Commentaries for Colossians
- Sappington, Thomas J. Revelation and Redemption at Colossae. London: Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 1991.
- DeMaris, Richard E. The Colossian Controversy: Wisdom in Dispute at Colossae. London: Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 1994.
- Smith, Ian. Heavenly Perspective: A Study of the Apostle Paul’s Response to a Jewish Mystical Movement at Colossae. London: Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 2006.
- Heil, John Paul. Colossians: Encouragement to Walk in All Wisdom As Holy Ones in Christ. Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2010.
- Beetham, Christopher A. Echoes of Scripture in the Letter of Paul to the Colossians. Boston: BRILL, 2008.
- Bevere, Allan R. Sharing in the Inheritance: Identity and the Moral Life in Colossians. London: Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 2003.
- Martin, Troy. By Philosophy and Empty Deceit: Colossians As Response to a Cynic Critique. London: Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 1996.
Commentaries for Philemon
- Cousar, Charles B. Philippians and Philemon (2009): A Commentary. Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox Press, 2009.
- Tolmie, D. Francois, ed. Philemon in Perspective: Interpreting a Pauline Letter. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter, Inc., 2010.
- Jeal, Roy R. Exploring Philemon: Freedom, Brotherhood, and Partnership in the New Society. Williston: Society of Biblical Literature, 2015.
Commentaries for 1 Peter
- Donelson, Lewis R. I and II Peter and Jude: A Commentary. Westminster John Knox Press, 2010
- Doriani, Daniel M. 1 Peter. P & R Publishing, 2014
- Kelly, J. N. D. Epistles of Peter and Jude. Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 2001.
- Feldmeier, Reinhard. The First Letter of Peter: A Commentary on the Greek Text. Baylor University Press, 2008.
Commentaries for 1 John
- Lieu, Judith M. I, II, and III John: A Commentary. Westminster John Knox Press, 2012.
- Streett, Daniel R. They Went Out from Us: The Identity of the Opponents in First John. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter, Inc., 2011
Commentaries for Revelation
- Garrow, Rev A. J. P., and Garrow, A. J. P. Revelation. Oxford: Taylor & Francis Group, 1997.
- Phillips, Richard D. Revelation. Phillipsburg, NJ: P & R Publishing, 2017.
- Thomas, John Christopher, and Macchia, Frank D. Revelation. Chicago: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2016.
- Hays, Richard B., and Alkier, Stefan, eds. Revelation and the Politics of Apocalyptic Interpretation. Waco: Baylor University Press, 2012.
- Mcnicol, Allan J. The Conversion of the Nations in Revelation. London: Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 2011.
- Hemer, Colin J. Letters to the Seven Churches of Asia in Their Local Setting. London: Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 1987.
OT Commentaries
- Brenner, Martin L. The Song of the Sea: Ex 15:1 – 21. Berlin/Boston: Walter de Gruyter GmbH, 1991.
- Thompson, Deanna A. Deuteronomy: A Theological Commentary on the Bible. Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox Press, 2014.
- Fox, Michael V. JPS Bible Commentary: Ecclesiastes. Dulles: Jewish Publication Society, 2003.
- Maas, Robin M. Van L. Genesis to Revelation: Job Participant Book: A Comprehensive Verse-By-Verse Exploration of the Bible. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 2017.
- Kynes, Will. My Psalm Has Turned into Weeping: Job’s Dialogue with the Psalms. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter, Inc., 2012.
- Mizrahi, Noam. Witnessing a Prophetic Text in the Making: The Literary, Textual and Linguistic Development of Jeremiah 10:1-16. Berlin/Boston: Walter de Gruyter GmbH, 2017.
- McKeating, Henry. Ezekiel. London: Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 1993.
- Mein, Andrew. Ezekiel and the Ethics of Exile. Oxford: Oxford University Press, Incorporated, 2002.
- Wong, Ka Leung. The Idea of Retribution in the Book of Ezekiel. Boston: BRILL, 2001.
- Crane, Ashley. Israel’s Restoration: A Textual-Comparative Exploration of Ezekiel 36-39. Boston: BRILL, 2008.
- Patmore, Hector M. Adam, Satan, and the King of Tyre: The Interpretation of Ezekiel 28:11-19 in Late Antiquity. Boston: BRILL, 2012.
- Hunter, Alastair G. Psalms. Oxford: Taylor & Francis Group, 1999.
- Human, Dirk J., and Vos, C.J.A., eds. Psalms and Liturgy. London: Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 2005.
- Seybold, Klaus. Introducing the Psalms. London: Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 2000.
- Vos, C.J.A. Theopoetry of the Psalms. London: Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 2005.
- Hilber, John W. Cultic Prophecy in the Psalms. Berlin/Boston: Walter de Gruyter GmbH, 2005.
- Foster, Robert L., and Howard, David M., eds. My Words Are Lovely: Studies in the Rhetoric of the Psalms. New York: Bloomsbury Academic & Professional, 2008.
- DeClaissé-Walford, Nancy L., ed. The Shape and Shaping of the Book of Psalms: The Current State of Scholarship. Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2014.
- Waltke, Bruce K., Houston, James M., and Moore, Erika. The Psalms As Christian Lament. Chicago: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2014.
- Moyise, Steve, and Menken, Maarten J. J., eds. The Psalms in the New Testament. London: Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 2004.
- James, Joshua T. The Storied Ethics of the Thanksgiving Psalms. London: Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 2017.
- Tucker Jr., W. Dennis. Constructing and Deconstructing Power in Psalms 107-150. Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2014.
- Goulder, Michael D. The Psalms of the Sons of Korah. London: Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 1983.
- Whybray, R. Norman. Reading the Psalms As a Book. London: Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 1996.
- Flanagan, James W. David’s Social Drama: A Hologram of Israel’s Early Iron Age. London: Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 1989.
- Carey, Holly J. Jesus’ Cry from the Cross: Towards a First-Century Understanding of the Intertextual Relationship Between Psalm 22 and the Narrative of Mark’s Gospel. London: Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 2009.
Age Matters
Remember books, commentaries, and articles should be after 1990 or 2000. Older material does not account for more recent scholarship and archeology.
Author Matters
Additionally, most books on Proquest will have academic authors but occasionally there is a popular author. At the graduate level, the author’s qualifications matter and they need to be academic (with a terminal degree: ThD, PhD, or Dmin) (MDiv, ThB, ThM are not terminal degrees).
Oxford Bible Commentary
Other Resources
Other Graduate-Level Resources
There are some amazing free websites full of early theology books and primary source material.
This has great interlinear Greek and Hebrew and cross references
Historic Commentaries (not appropriate for graduate level work)