virtual Resource center
Welcome to the Virtual Resource Center!
This will be your starting point for information resources, research, writing, and so much more.
Be sure to click on the FAQ and Free Online Resources links below. Graduate students, make use of the ProQuest Library link below.
Research and Writing Help
Paper writing is such a huge part of your undergraduate and graduate student life. This page is full of helpful tips and information to help you smooth out the wrinkles in this time consuming (yet fulfilling) endeavor.
Can I Trust this?
Information Literacy. You may not know what this term means, but it is something you must master during your college and ministry career. As Christians we are to be bearers of truth and light, and having the tools to evaluate information for truth and accuracy is crucial. This page will help equip you to do just that.
About the VRC
The Northern California Bible College Virtual Resource Center exists to cultivate in every NCBC student, faculty, and staff member a lifelong love of learning steeped in Biblical truth.
Coming Soon…
resources overview
NCBC does not have a physical library. However, we do have a collection of online and electronic resources that will continue to grow. These resources can be anything from journals and articles, to Bible study tools, to writing and research help. Since NCBC students cannot physically “go” to the library, we have created a virtual space for students to visit that will help meet their information needs. Hence the name, Virtual Resource Center.
In lieu of subscriptions to online databases of knowledge, it is important for students to purchase a robust Bible study software, such as Accordance or Logos, which will provide the student with an extensive library and dynamic search and study tools. With this in mind, the purchase of either Accordance or Logos is in fact required of those wishing to graduate with a degree from NCBC and is highly encouraged for audit and non-degree students.
In addition to purchased Bible study software, the NCBC Student Resources Blog has been created as a space to assist with writing and research, computer literacy, information literacy, and offers lists of free online resources students may peruse and reference at their own discretion. The blog can be accessed via the Virtual Resource Center homepage, along with some helpful instructional videos.
The NCBC Librarian
The librarian will provide tools and advice for becoming information literate and will help students look critically at the quality and trustworthiness of the information they have gathered, which is a crucial step in the creation of college level papers and presentations.
Library Facilities
NCBC has agreements with two local post-secondary institutions for the on-site use of their research libraries. Western Seminary in Milpitas, and Saint Patrick’s Seminary in Menlo Park have agreed to allow NCBC students access to their facilities for a small annual fee. Students seeking either the Associate or Bachelors’ degree are required to purchase the Accordance Advanced suite of Bible study materials and will be able to view a training video produced by our distance librarian.