NCBC Stories Collection

The generous supporters and alumni of Northern California Bible College have fueled 50 years of instilling God's Word, and His Spirit, into the hearts of a myriad of students. Below is a glimpse of how God is using NCBC to make disciples in the Bay Area and beyond.

Home School Leaders Excited!

This story is part of the NCBC Alumni and Joanna Scholarship Stories Collection. Fund another story with your generous gift.

These two stories are from home school co-op leaders who have joined degree programs at NCBC. Be encouraged that at any stage of life or leadership, God has more for you to grow into.

From Danielle: NCBC was such a God-send! God arranged it so that me and my two co-ministers were able to take these classes together which in itself was nothing short of miraculous. Both of the classes we took specifically applied to our ministry and personal lives. They made us hungry for more of God.
The journal and homework assignments in the Ministry Catalyst class were impactful and meaningful. They helped me sift through my walk and see myself and my relationship with God more clearly. I also loved the videos and testimonies abundant in Revival History. They built my faith more and more!
Finally, I appreciate the wisdom of Greg and Tracy. When we discuss any topic with them, their insight and Godly wisdom are always on point, thorough, and thoughtful.

Thank you! I am eager for more!

From Robyn: NCBC has been phenomenal. I took the Revival History and Ministry Catalyst classes. Whoa! What I didn’t know about revival! I will refer back to this class as I teach and review history with my kids through their lives. And I will know what to watch for, a little bit of how to safeguard how we shepherd and measure revivals in the future, and a little bit of how to steward them or invite them in. The Ministry Catalyst class was phenomenal. I’ve never thought about charting our journeys with the Lord through this life, but I think it is a GREAT tool to help us see how God is working where trauma and recovery happen, and where tests and overcoming happen too.

It was so impactful that I had my kids and husband do it too! Being walked through call, processing, and anointing and the various ways that happen in different folks was incredible and helped give me patience for my own journey, and the mistakes within, and that I see in others sometimes too. This is a good tool for finding more grace! Of course, I’m always game for prophetic ministry and we practiced this several times. How very encouraging!



Christ-centered spiritual education


Dedicated professors and pastors


Accredited education with no debt