NCBC Stories Collection
The generous supporters and alumni of Northern California Bible College have fueled 50 years of instilling God's Word, and His Spirit, into the hearts of a myriad of students. Below is a glimpse of how God is using NCBC to make disciples in the Bay Area and beyond.
Father of Six, Earning First Degree
This story is part of the NCBC Alumni and Joanna Scholarship Stories Collection. Fund another story with your generous gift.
Some people might have a favorite show or book they look forward to cuddling up and enjoying when they get some free time at home after a long day of work, kids, duties, and checklists. For me, it’s the insightful and encouraging courses offered at NCBC.
No matter what kind of day it’s been there’s always a way for me to end it on the right note with some Spirit-filled teaching and hope for what’s to come and instruction and guidance at looking at God’s word.
As a new believer in 2018, I had 1 Christian friend who led me to Christ and 33 years of worldly wisdom that I once swore by and at many times bet my life on that I wanted to toss in the garbage dump and get a better understanding of his word and start a real relationship with him. I had questions like “Why am I here?” “How did we as humans get here” “What is my purpose?” “What is the bible?” “who wrote it” “I’ve lived my whole life wrong how do I live it the way god intended me to” I asked the only Christian I knew basic questions, but how did I know if that was their opinion or perhaps something that was taught to them that was someone elses opinion?? How would I know???
So I asked what kind of schooling or training was available. I wanted to get down to what the bible ACTUALLY says.
Late 2020 during the pandemic a new friend referred me to NCBC. The bible college he attended and I was impressed by his knowledge of the Bible and how clearly he could articulate it so I was all for it. As a single father, I had to rearrange my budget so that by 2021 I could finally start to attend.
My high school years were spent in Juvenile correctional facilities or on the run from the law. so I never had the opportunity to actually step foot on an actual “high school”. I only completed packets in a small recreation room outside of our cells while incarcerated. (Juvenile hall isn’t known for its excellence in education) When I was out on the streets I lived a life on the run from the law. Violence, Crime, sexual immorality, and homelessness.
I had a 7/8th grade education until I was sentenced by a judge to a program while incarcerated in the county jail where I had time to study and attain my GED. I scored pretty well too considering my lack of education. I’m giving the background of my previous education to say that going from “never stepped foot in a high school” to “College” I didn’t want to bite off more than I could chew.
So I started off taking 1 or 2 courses. NCBC offered distance learning which was perfect for me balancing my crazy graveyard shift schedule and children at the beginning. It was perfect! the expository teaching of Pastor David Sell and Dr. Dan Griffiths went through the Bible verse by verse, cross-referencing scripture expanding on and elaborating, adding very important details never leaving a stone unturned bringing me to a deeper understanding of the scriptures was invigorating once absorbed.
While Dr. Wayne Mancari and Dr. Tracy Holsclaw just oozed with fascinating textual topical lectures, the depths of their teachings usually had my 2-hour courses a bit longer from me pausing and playing back parts so I could jot all these notes down for my own personal further research. When I gave my life to the LORD all I asked for was a stable home for me and my kids and a place that I could afford needed me working 3 jobs leaving me no time with my kids or time to study his word. (which he miraculously provided through the low-income apartment that I am so grateful for.((the manager said me getting this apartment was like hitting the lottery in Santa Clara county)) and for him to guide me and allow me to understand Him and his will for me in my life. I would commit to a minimum of 1 hour a day to study his word, listen to a sermon, or listen to some kind of biblical content. (That hour has turned into 3-8hours some days.)
NCBC has played a vital role in my walk as a Christian. I budgeted and disciplined myself to complete my certificate of biblical studies. Then I ran out of money. I’ve had 3 different jobs since I started attending NCBC. Companies sold, contracts lost, hours cut, but God has ALWAYS provided a way.I’m a single father with 6 children on financial aid and a food stamp recipient these last few months I asked god if it’s His will for me to continue my education, he would have to to open doors and provide because any extra money and all my savings have dried up.
I had 1 conversation with Greg Holsclaw regarding my education and I briefly mentioned the situation I was in and NCBC offered a 25% percent scholarship! my church matched it. Praise God!!
I’m on staff at my church right now completing a pastoral residency there is no pay involved but I’m honored to even be in the position to serve God and further his kingdom. I love getting a deeper understanding of God and his word and he gave me the opportunity to share/preach/teach what I’ve learned from NCBC. God has provided a way for me since the day I fully surrendered to his will. He has put all the right people teachers and opportunities in my life and everything I learn I pass on to my students in the youth group I lead. Every bible study I lead/attended and from behind the pulpit preaching the word, rebuking and encouraging with great patience and careful instruction. For that, I am forever grateful.
From “never setting a foot on a high school campus” to being potentially 5 months away to earning my A.A. is 100% God’s grace and providence in my life. I would like to continue on and earn my bachelor’s and potentially my Master’s pursuing what I believe is my calling in full-time ministry, God willing. I’m forever a student and I use all my free time studying God’s word trying to learn how I can do my part in expanding God’s kingdom.
I want to thank EVERYONE at NCBC the staff and teachers. all the donors to the scholarship fund who have generously given in order to make stories like mine possible. Your generosity will impact my family for generations. Thank you and God bless you and your families.
“May The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make his face shine upon you, And be gracious to you; The LORD lift up his countenance upon you, And give you peace.”