Dual Degree (BA+MA)
Accelerate your journey. The Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Studies degree is a four-year degree and the Master of Biblical and Practical Theology is a two-year degree; when offered together they become a 5-year program. The end of the Bachelor’s degree can be completed by taking 30 units of graduate-level courses, which then are applied to the beginning of your Master’s degree. This prepares students for more focused ministry, leadership, and biblical studies roles. The Dual Degree program is where senior-level (or fourth-year) students can dual enroll in the BA and MA programs concurrently. For many college seniors or transfer students (with 135 units), instead of needing 15 classes to finish a BA, they can take 21 classes and earn both a BA and an MA.
What is the difference between a graduate-level and undergraduate-level?
• Graduate-level: Our Master of Arts in Biblical and Practical Theology has a two-fold purpose: (1) to provide a strong grasp of the factual contents of the Bible, interpreted in a sound, scholarly, and spiritual manner and (2) to prepare students for a professional calling in part or full-time ministry. Spirit and Truth: The degree is meant to balance a Spirit and Truth pursuit with the Practical Ministry and Theology combined. The transformational aspect of Biblical Truth will be balanced to not just produce head knowledge but active servants working in power. Proclamation and Demonstration: We hope to equip this generation of servants and leaders in both proclamation and demonstration of the full gospel. There will be an emphasis on the work of the Holy Spirit. The desire is to see each study ministry in the power of the Holy Spirit and articulate both the truth and hunger for more of God.
• Undergraduate-level: The Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Studies degree is a four-year degree offered to students for the purpose of providing the academic preparation for real-life applications which allow students to think clearly, examine their Christian heritage, write distinctively, form a comprehensive biblical theology and worldview, and to communicate the gospel effectively. Classroom lectures and interaction, study times, and research and writing provide the challenge necessary to expand the students’ biblical theology which results in a profound appreciation for creation, life, and truth. The degree program operates on a quarter system of three twelve-week terms per academic year from September through June. The Bachelor’s Degree qualifies graduates to pursue further theological or ministerial training at an accredited Seminary.
Apply for the undergraduate program and an academic advisor will work with you to include the BA+MA plan

If you are sensing the call to increase your biblical knowledge, or perhaps ‘tool-up’ for a future career in ministry, Northern California Bible College can help provide you with a strong biblical foundation at a very reasonable price.
If you are considering entering into a systematic study of Scripture, you will find NCBC affordable, aligned with today’s culture, doctrinally supportive of the Spirit, and rich in biblical revelation.
BA+MA Courses
What is the difference between a BA in Biblical Studies and an MA in Biblical and Practical Theology?
The last 21 classes toward the degree will be a mix of Master’s and Bachelor’s level. All 16 Master’s classes will be taken which is a fully designed program to ensure students receive both theology and ministry training. The other 5 classes will be at the Bachelor’s level and can be any electives the student desires to take. Many students choose to do a ministry internship as part of their Bachelor’s senior year. While others desire to focus more on biblical studies electives in OT and NT.
What is the difference between on-site and distance courses?
On-site classes: Every quarter some classes are offered at on-site locations or online. These courses have a live lecture and interaction with other students and the professor at a set time each week.
Distance classes: Many of the courses in the catalog are pre-recorded and can be done at any time. There is still homework, exams, and professor interaction with these courses.