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Old Testament Courses


Ernest Gentile, President Emeritus

This book (course manual) is about the history of Israel and their God, as chronicled through the Holy Scriptures. Throughout the Old Testament, the Lord raised up prophets to speak to the nation of Israel, and communicate the heart of God. The Spirit of Prophecy moved on holy men and women of God at key moments in Israel’s history to affect change, direction, repentance, warning, encouragement and much more, including some prophecies that foretold events that would end up having their fulfillment centuries later with stunning detail and accuracy.


David Sell, President Emeritus

Study of 1&2 Samuel:“The Life of King David” is the first of a two-part series on the period covering the Old Testament kings of Israel. This course will cover 1 Samuel 16 – 2 Kings 2 as we trace the life of David from his initial anointing until the day of his death. Segments from 1 Chronicles will also be included throughout the course to complement the overall story. 


David Sell, President Emeritus

The study of the book of Daniel covers ancient world civilizations prophetically and historically. The book exemplifies a man of integrity who lived under the constant temptation to compromise while living in Babylon. Some of the great tales of the Bible come from this lively book. It has also been called “the apocalypse of the Old Testament.” The study of the “70 Weeks Prophecy” serves as a necessary prerequisite to understanding the final events. This particular manual will span the Book of Daniel, verse by verse, in an attempt to understand his life and the prophetic office. The final three lessons will propose a possible timeline of events that will span from this present time (2021) up to and including the second coming of Christ.


David Sell, President Emeritus

This manual will concentrate upon Moses the man, the servant whom God used to lead Israel out of Egypt and bring into the Promised Land. Most of the Book of Exodus will be covered, including segments from Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy that focus upon personal incidents in the life of Moses. Throughout our journey we will concentrate upon understanding how Moses, through God’s help, overcame the struggles, temptations, and adversities associated with leadership.


David Sell, President Emeritus

The Book of Joshua continues to inspire believers in each generation. Much like our lives, the book of Joshua is all about “taking ground.” Both the strategies and the pitfalls that brought Israel into its final resting place will be explored extensively. These course notes will help you to understand and unpack the Book of Joshua.


David Sell, President Emeritus

The Books of Judges and Ruth continues to inspire believers in each generation. The Book of Judges stands as a living parable, filled with amazing insights and parallels into our daily Christian walk. The course concludes with a journey through the Book of Ruth, as we discover the background behind how Jesus is our Kinsmen Redeemer. These course notes will help you to understand and unpack the books of Judges and Ruth.


David Sell, President Emeritus

The Book of Genesis contains the beginning of each of the great themes of the Bible. The very roots of the Christian life emerge through a careful examination of original sin, Abraham’s walk of faith, and the trials of Jacob and Joseph. Genesis also serves as the beginning history book of all mankind, rehearsing the creation, the flood, the dividing of the earth, and the beginning of the Hebrew people. Part 1.


David Sell, President Emeritus

The Book of Genesis contains the beginning of each of the great themes of the Bible. The very roots of the Christian life emerge through a careful examination of original sin, Abraham’s walk of faith, and the trials of Jacob and Joseph. Genesis also serves as the beginning history book of all mankind, rehearsing the creation, the flood, the dividing of the earth, and the beginning of the Hebrew people. Part 2.


David Sell, President Emeritus

The Kings of Israel covers the history of Israel in the time of the monarchs filled with color, drama, and adventure unparalleled. The victories gained through righteousness stand against the backdrop of defeats caused by sin. Each individual story offers multiple lessons for victorious Christian living. “The Kings of Israel” is part of a series on the history of Israel, which covers the time of the monarchs. This course will specifically address 1 Samuel 8 – 2 Kings 25; 2 Chronicles. These sections of scripture span the time of the kings from King Saul through the fall of Jerusalem under King Zedekiah. The story of King David is specially reserved for the course entitled, “The Life of David,”although one session is devoted to his famous reign.


Dr. Wayne Mancari

This Study Guide concentrates on the study of the Biblical Wisdom Literature books of Job and Ecclesiastes, with particular attention to the theological and ethical issues they raise. Through our journey we will concentrate on understanding the character of God, the nature of suffering and the meaning of life. The story of Job provides biblical insight into why man encounters suffering. This unusual narrative provides important keys for counseling and illustrates the acceptable attitude while in the midst of hardship. Ecclesiastes explores the timeless vanities of life and concludes with the only answer to man’s search for happiness.

New Testament Courses


Dr. Dan Griffiths

This book (course manual) is by Dr. Daniel Griffith’s. Understanding of the book of Romans is thorough, scholarly, and practical for instructing us on the contents of this essential book. Every Christian will find this textbook an essential addition to their theological library; we all need to know the Book of Romans!


David Sell, President Emeritus

The course will provide a detailed study of the four epistles Paul wrote while in prison: Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, and Philemon. Each letter will be reviewed verse by verse with emphasis on its primary intended meaning, thematic content, and application for the Christian’s daily life.


David Sell, President Emeritus

The Book of Acts shouts the excitement of an early Church alive with the mission to evangelize the world. Through this course, we will relive the drama of apostolic leadership in the heat of revival, persecution, and converting the multitudes. Keys to church growth will also be analyzed. Part 1.


David Sell, President Emeritus

The Book of Acts shouts the excitement of an early Church alive with the mission to evangelize the world. Through this course, we will relive the drama of apostolic leadership in the heat of revival, persecution, and converting the multitudes. Keys to church growth will also be analyzed. Part 2.


Dr. Dan Griffiths

The study of the Book of Hebrews will attempt to answer the mysterious question as to the book’s authorship. From there, the course focuses upon explaining every verse, emphasizing the role of the New Testament priesthood, the supremacy and sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ, “entering God’s rest,” and touring the “Hebrews Hall of Faith.”


David Sell, President Emeritus

The study of 1 & Timothy and the epistle to Titus have been deemed the Pastoral Epistles of Paul. In these letters we discover Paul’s true heart toward caring for God’s people, and how he poured himself into these two younger men who would carry on after Paul was gone. In the first hour of each session we will explore these epistles verse by verse. The second hour will be devoted to a pertinent subject on the subject of pastoral ministry. During that hour we will explore the challenges of pastoring and possible answers to these challenges.


David Sell, President Emeritus

The Life of Christ, Part 1 covers the first half of the Gospel narrative, leading up to the week prior to the Passion week. This book is designed to understand and appreciate all that Jesus said and did. It provides a blend of explanations of the details surrounding each incident, prophetic fulfillments from the Old Testament, explanations of the customs of the day, and rich spiritual insights for today’s Christian living. The first half will address the life of Jesus through the Galilean ministry. The second half of the course (Life of Christ 2) covers the life of Christ from the later Judean ministry through His Ascension.


David Sell, President Emeritus

The Life of Christ, Part 2 covers the first half of the Gospel narrative, leading up to the week prior to the Passion week. This book is designed to understand and appreciate all that Jesus said and did. It provides a blend of explanations of the details surrounding each incident, prophetic fulfillments from the Old Testament, explanations of the customs of the day, and rich spiritual insights for today’s Christian living. The first half will address the life of Jesus through the Galilean ministry. The second half of the course (Life of Christ 2) covers the life of Christ from the later Judean ministry through His Ascension.


David Sell, President Emeritus

The return of Christ has been called our “blessed hope.” In mysterious detail, the Book of Revelation prepares the way for that final event. As much as possible, the course attempts to clarify those predicted events yet to come. When diverse interpretations occur, the strengths and weaknesses of each major view will be analyzed and evaluated.

Practical Ministry Courses


David Sell, President Emeritus

This course is all about laying hold of our personal inheritance in Christ. Subjects include physical healing, power to overcome our carnal nature, provisions of wisdom and sustenance, and the salvation and welfare of our loved ones. Jesus sent Paul to “open our eyes that we might receive forgiveness of sin and our inheritance.” Too many Christians have been unable to believe for God’s best because they do not understand the promises of God.


David Sell, President Emeritus

There’s a refreshing new surge of the Spirit beginning to explode upon the church known simply as the “Supernatural!” As students hungry for all God has to give in our day, this course will introduce us to those principles that unlock the miraculous. It’s time to “up our faith” so that things in this natural realm radically change because of it! Most of us are still “beginners” at this, but we won’t be for long!


Ernest Gentile, President Emeritus

“Ernest Gentile may have just written this century’s most important book on biblical worship! His research will satisfy the scholar, his study will meet the exegete’s expectations, and best of all his practical points for application will gratify pastors and worship leaders. I believe sensitive shepherds who yearn for help in directing their flock into spiritually vital worship will rejoice as I have in discovering Worship God!”


Ernest Gentile, President Emeritus

“Therefore, my brethren, desire earnestly to prophesy…” (1 Cor. 14:39). Longtime pastor and international speaker Ernest B. Gentile shows that the apostles intended prophecy to continue as a vital function in the ongoing development of the church. Your Sons & Daughters Shall Prophesy presents the scriptural background and theoretical concepts behind prophecy, interspersed with personal observations, firsthand accounts, and practical suggestions. Teachers and students, as well as anyone with an interest in prophecy, will find all the information they need to explore this crucial and sometimes controversial subject.


David Sell, President Emeritus

The Christian’s Mental Health is a three-part series aimed toward helping Christians learn how to change their thoughts in order to achieve good mental health. The first segment of this three-part series addresses the typical thought patterns that lead to anger, fear, insecurity, discouragement, guilt, shyness, or when we desire something unwholesome. The goal of this course is to help us recognize unhealthy thought patterns so we can then replace them with biblical thought patterns.


David Sell, President Emeritus

This course is devoted to the development of self-confidence from a proper biblical perspective. When we stand fully confident in our position in Christ, the obstacles of life lose their towering effect. Some of the topics include: “Faith vs. Presumption,” “Deadening the Roots of Self-doubt,” “Setting and Accomplishing Realistic Goals,” “Overcoming the Fear of Failure,” and “Enlarging the Borders of our Life.”


David Sell, President Emeritus

Jesus said that the entire law can be fulfilled by following two commandments: “love God and love your neighbor as yourself.” The outworking of this truth can make us free from many of the emotional ills and help produce good mental health! The third section of this series on the Christian’s mental health is entitled, “Wholeness through Love.” As we renew our love relationship with God and others, we can expect a new dimension of spiritual, emotional, and even physical health.



David Sell, President Emeritus

This present world has become renown for what is been called “identity theft,” not only in the natural, but also in the spiritual. The reason why so many Christians suffer from a poor self-image is because they don’t know who they actually are in Christ.  When our eyes open to what God’s word clearly says, we begin to see ourselves healthy, loved, and fully capable to take on life’s many challenges.  Some of the subjects we’ll explore include what it means to be “more than a conqueror,” “accepted in the beloved,” “a new creation in Christ,” “able to do all things,” “fearfully and wonderfully made,” and we’re just getting started!


Dr. Wayne Mancari

Hermeneutics is the science and artform of how to properly interpret the Bible. This Study Guide concentrates on the study of the various methods and principles of biblical interpretation and the necessity for the grammatical-historical method of interpretation. The student will learn and apply the tools and methods of both general and special hermeneutics. “Be diligent to present yourself approved to God a worker who does not need to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth.” 2 Timothy 2:15, NKJV


David Sell, President Emeritus

The uniqueness of the person of the Holy Spirit is often misunderstood or simply ignored. His character, deity, and commission will receive our utmost attention in this class on pneumatology. His 25 titles illustrate the diversity of His vast function in our lives. The course also attempts to answer the honest questions people have regarding the baptism and gifts of the Spirit.


David Sell, President Emeritus

The human spirit is the real “you.” The soul and body are only extensions of the human spirit. This course provides vial insights into the differences between the human spirit and the soul, helping to better understand our constant battle with our carnal nature. Emphasis is also placed upon understanding the development of our conscience, the difference between conviction and condemnation, what actually happens at death, and how to distinguish between true and false guilt.


David Sell, President Emeritus

When we understand what the Bible teaches about the devil, we realize how much power and authority we actually possess over his kingdom. This manual begins with an analysis of the devil’s seven descending steps, beginning with his original authority in heaven and ultimately ending in eternal damnation within the lake of fire. The manual will also concentrate upon exposing his strategies and distinguishes his efforts from the “works of the flesh.” In addition, the subject of demonology will be addressed, while attempting to answer the question, “Can a Christian possess a demon?”

Other Books of Interest


Dr. Dan Griffiths

The Shaking of Nations – A Harvest Tsunami Is On Way….Will The Church Be Ready? The Shaking of the Nations will challenge your thinking, build your faith, and prepare you for—the exciting future…That is just ahead!


Ernest Gentile, President Emeritus

The Glorious Disturbance refers to the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost when the church was launched. It is called “The Baptism with the Holy Spirit” —and it is still available today! In fact, the twentieth century has been called “the century of the Holy Spirit” because the present, worldwide movement of the Spirit in the church mirrors the initial release of the Holy Spirit on the Early Church. This present-day baptism has touched more than five hundred million people, generating huge interest in how today’s Christians can experience the same empowerment.


Ernest Gentile, President Emeritus

Ernest Gentile has written an important book that brings fresh insights into the gift, functions and necessity of the Holy Spirit in the life of a Believer and in the local church.


Ernest Gentile, President Emeritus

Ernest Gentile has given us another excellent book dealing with the spiritual leadership gift of “apostle” in the body of Christ.
ENDORSEMENTS: Why Apostles Now? is a landmark book that deserves to be read by every devoted follower of Christ today.  From the dual perspective of both a thorough researcher and veteran practitioner Ernest Gentile calls today’s church to powerful, rapid advance through apostolic leadership.  Your life and ministry will be forever enriched by absorbing the insights of this timely book. — David Shibley, Founder of Global Advance


Ernest Gentile, President Emeritus

Discover from the author how you too can walk the road of prayer and develop an intimate, personal relationship with God through exciting experience in the realm of prayer. The fresh insights in this book, particularly those surveying the prayer ministry of Jesus, will arouse a new anticipation of meeting God in the morning.


Ernest Gentile, President Emeritus

This book uses an ancient, simple technique in teaching Bible truths. It is called a “catechism” because it employs a question-and-answer method. In preparing this book I have carefully examined and compared the material presented in five other catechisms: including two of Martin Luther’s Catechisms, the Roman Catholic Catechism, “Understanding God” by Patricia Gruits, and the “Church School Bible Course” by Maureen Gaglardi. Each of these works has made its own significant contribution to Bible teaching, and I hope that my particular approach will also prove to be helpful.


Ernest Gentile, President Emeritus

This “historical novel” unfolds the exciting story of the Apostle Paul and the first-century spread of Christianity. How could the greatest persecutor of Christianity become the greatest promoter of Jesus Christ? The storyline is based on known biblical information but also uses reasonable historical interpretation—a blend of real history, sanctified imagination, adventure, and miraculous happenings.


Ernest Gentile, President Emeritus

The Second Coming of Christ will be the greatest event in human history, the climax of the running battles between God & Satan. Unfortunately, it is an often-neglected topic in Churches and Bible studies, leaving many Christians, perhaps like you, puzzled about what is to come. “The Final Triumph” is a clear and comprehensive study of Jesus’ return. Covering all New Testament references on the subject, it will guide you towards spiritual wakefulness and joyful anticipation of this wonderful event.


David Sell – President Emeritus

Ernest Gentile – President Emeritus

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