Northern California Bible College is a member of the Transnational Association of Christian Colleges and Schools (TRACS) [15935 Forest Road, Forest, VA 24551; Telephone: (434) 525-9539; e-mail:] having been awarded Accredited Status as a Category III institution by the TRACS Accreditation Commission on April 13, 2021; this status is effective for a period of 5 years. TRACS is recognized by the United States Department of Education (DOE), the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) and the International Network for Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education (INQAAHE).
In April 2022, TRACS raised NCBC to a Category III institution with the approval of our Masters in Biblical and Practical Theology.
Accreditation allows institutions to apply for and potentially participate in Federal Financial Aid programs and also opens the door for transferability of credits to other accredited institutions and acceptance to graduate schools. NCBC holds official status with an agency approved by the US Department of Education. In 2018, NCBC was awarded “Candidacy Status” with TRACS. This accomplishment was 50 years in the making. NCBC finalized the accreditation journey by completing the final step in April 2021. NCBC now became recognized as a nationally accredited college, approved to offer the following degree programs:
- Certificate in Biblical Studies (45 quarter hours) – non-degree-granting program
- Associate of Arts in Biblical Studies (90 quarter hours)
- Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Studies (180 quarter hours)
- Masters of Arts in Biblical and Practical Theology (48 quarter hours)

California: NCBC is approved by BPPE to operate in this state.
50 States: NCBC is approved to offer its courses and programs via Distance Education in many states.
Institutional Objectives
The purpose of NCBC is summed up in Institutional Objectives:
- To provide a strong grasp of the factual contents of the Bible, interpreted in a sound, scholarly, and spiritual manner.
- To better understand the truths of the Bible primarily for the personal enrichment of all students.
- To provide a way for students to earn either a Certificate Diploma, Associate of Arts degree, or Bachelor of Arts degree in Biblical Studies.
- To prepare students for a professional calling in part or full-time ministry.
- To prepare students who are Christian educators in an A.C.S.I. Elementary, Junior High, or High School to earn Continuing Education Units.
- To maintain national accreditation and continue in good standing with Transnational Association of Christians Colleges and Schools (TRACS).
- To create an educational model for startup Bible Colleges in foreign countries to follow, as well as help them become established as the Spirit leads.
Learning Outcome Statements and Program Objectives
For degree-seeking students there will be evidence in their growth of biblical knowledge as well as their ability to study and search the Scriptures for themselves with a historically correct hermeneutic reflecting the NCBC statement of faith.
Students will evidence spiritual growth in their personal ministry within their home/family situation as well as their participation in serving their local faith community.
All students will evidence an increased understanding of the person, actions, and manifestations of the Holy Spirit.
All students, will provide evidence of a growth in their biblical knowledge as measured by the NCBC Biblical Assessment Profile at the end of their time of enrollment.
Degreed students will evidence a strong ability to use an array of Bible study resources as made available in the Accordance 11 Advanced suite of materials and Galaxie Journal.
The assessment of the outcome of enrollment at NCBC will be done in accord with the Standards and Evaluative Criteria Section 19.5 of NCBC Comprehensive Assessment Plan.
The Program Objective of Northern California Bible College is to provide the student with a wide-ranging balance of biblical education drawing from New Testament Studies, Old Testament Studies, Biblical Theology, Practical Ministry, and Hermeneutics.
Undergraduate program in Biblical Studies (AA, BA, Certificate)
- Students learn to think clearly, examine their Christian heritage, write distinctively, form a comprehensive biblical theology and worldview, and to communicate the gospel effectively.
- General knowledge of the content of Scripture and principles of interpretation.
- Ability to relate with others in a practical ministry context.
Graduate program in Biblical and Practical Theology (MA)
- Prepare students with a strong Hermeneutic to interpret, teach, and apply biblical truth.
- The transformational aspect of Biblical Truth will be balanced to not just produce head knowledge but active servants working in power.
- To clearly articulate the great orthodox tradition of the Christian Faith and the various positions within that tradition.
The Degree Objectives of NCBC are as follows:
Associate of Arts in Biblical Studies
The Associate of Arts in Biblical Studies degree is a two-year degree offered to students for the purpose of providing a solid Biblical Studies education. The following student outcomes are expected.
General knowledge of the content of Scripture
Knowledge and skills for accurate Biblical interpretation and application to life situations.
Students will make decisions in doctrine, life, and ministry based on the foundation of the Bible.
Exhibit the Christian faith in contemporary culture, having developed a biblical worldview and apologetic for Christian values and conduct.
Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Studies
The Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Studies degree is a four-year degree offered to students for the purpose of providing the academic preparation for real-life applications. Expected student outcomes include:
Students learn to think clearly, examine their Christian heritage, write distinctively, form a comprehensive biblical theology and worldview, and to communicate the gospel effectively.
Classroom lectures and interaction, study times, and research and writing provide the challenge necessary to expand the students’ biblical theology which results in a profound appreciation for creation, life, and truth.
The Bachelor’s Degree qualifies graduates to pursue further theological or ministerial training at the Master’s level or at an accredited Seminary.
Master of Arts in Biblical and Practical Theology
The desire is to see each study ministry in the power of the Holy Spirit and articulate both the truth and hunger for more of God. Expected student outcomes include:
Proclamation and Demonstration: We hope to equip this generation of servants and leaders in both proclamation and demonstration of the full gospel. There will be an emphasis on the work of the Holy Spirit.
Spirit and Truth: The degree is meant to balance a Spirit and Truth pursuit with the Practical Ministry and Theology combined. The transformational aspect of Biblical Truth will be balanced to not just produce head knowledge but active servants working in power.
Student Achievements
Northern California Bible College is in full compliance with TRACS Standard 17:11 which reads: “Student Achievement: the institution’s assessment of student achievement includes retention rates, course completion rates, and graduation rates.” NCBC does not prepare students for state or other licensing examinations. Student achievement is made available to the public upon request.
Performance Fact Sheets
The Performance Fact Sheets covers BA, AA, and Certificate students and is available for download.
5-Year Strategic Plan
2024-2028 Strategic Plan is available for download.