NCBC Stories Collection

The generous supporters and alumni of Northern California Bible College have fueled 50 years of instilling God's Word, and His Spirit, into the hearts of a myriad of students. Below is a glimpse of how God is using NCBC to make disciples in the Bay Area and beyond.

A Missionary’s Training

This story is part of the NCBC Alumni and Joanna Scholarship Stories Collection. Fund another story with your generous gift.

Why did I choose NCBC?

A few years ago I was having a conversation with a friend about a desire in my heart to further my education, specifically study theology and the Bible, but I didn’t know where to start, or what school to go to.  As she was a former student at NCBC she recommended I take a look into what courses they had to offer.  I did just that and came away with the impression that NCBC has a good balance of scripture study, hermeneutics, how to live out what we study, and a heart for those who don’t yet know Christ.  Alongside this beautiful balance, I noticed that the instructors at NCBC did not all have the same denominational background, which helps to give a multi-faceted teaching of the scriptures.  I was initially concerned about how I would be able to be present for the online lectures, as I live out of the country, but NCBC’s distance learning program provides a do-it-at-your-own pace and time option with an easy-to-use website to access the lectures, complete the assignments, and review any notes that the classes provide.   The icing on the cake was the fact that NCBC is a mission-minded school, as a missionary this holds a lot of weight and greatly influenced my decision to study at NCBC. 

How have you been blessed by the classes or instructor?

I could write much more than this but the style of teaching of Dr. Ray Robles and the way that he teaches theology has deeply impacted me over the past year. Not only is my theological framework being challenged in the very best way, but over the past year since studying at NCBC I have felt like I am reading the scriptures for the first time, being pleasantly surprised by the truth that is revealed and the perspective that the instructors bring.  I also want to mention the emphasis that the instructors put on living a Spirit-filled life and developing a more effective prayer life, I have been able to directly apply what I am learning in class in the cross-cultural ministry I am a part of. 

Why should others come to NCBC?

I would recommend anyone to come to NCBC who wants to be challenged on how they study and live out the scriptures, living a Spirit-filled life, and growing their prayer life.  They will get a balanced teaching of scriptures, being equipped to study it hermeneutically, understand it in its original context, and be able to apply it and live it out in their everyday lives.  You will not be overwhelmed with the workload or with mindless busy work but will be taken on a journey that leads to holistic change in your life and ministries.  To add onto all of that, NCBC also works with you in whatever financial situation you find yourself in, providing scholarships, and giving manageable timelines to pay for classes. 

NCBC is a school that works with you where you are and works for you to grow in your walk with Christ. 

~ Hayden K.



Christ-centered spiritual education


Dedicated professors and pastors


Accredited education with no debt